I've seen good things and bad things about sarms..
Need honest assessments...
I'm going to be running 500mg of test..was thing of running 60mg of anavar for 6 weeks...or a sarm..like ostarine..lgd..or if you have a suggestion
I just signed on with 3j..and he's put together a plan for me
I'm 6'1 200lbs..trying to get up around 225 between the diet and a cycle
Again..I've talked to quite a few guys..who says sarms are a waste....and other who swear by them..
Thanks guys
Need honest assessments...
I'm going to be running 500mg of test..was thing of running 60mg of anavar for 6 weeks...or a sarm..like ostarine..lgd..or if you have a suggestion
I just signed on with 3j..and he's put together a plan for me
I'm 6'1 200lbs..trying to get up around 225 between the diet and a cycle
Again..I've talked to quite a few guys..who says sarms are a waste....and other who swear by them..
Thanks guys