Needle Question

michael T

New member
It looks as if I may possibly be put on injections for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). I am not
that nervous about it from reading all of your posts about it. My question is
does Testosterone Cyp need to be refrigerated? And do we need a prescription
for the syringes and needles? I've visited research-ology but I am still a little
in the dark about all of this.

Michael T, :)
No need to refrigerate the test, just keep it in a cool (room temp) dark location. As far as the needles, you should be able to order those on the internet. Where are you located?
Whether you need a prescription or not depends on what state you live in. Someone posted a link a while back that gave the law in each state.
Doc should write you a script for the syringes and needles, so just grab them from the pharmacy. I'd still hop on a website and get 25g 1" pins for doing the actual injection since he'll prob write the script for anything between 20g-23g.
Tman55 is right. You can order them off the internet. I was alittle sceptical about ordering them from the internet, but did it anyways, and just recieved a box of nails 2 days ago.
Bleach is right, the doctor should give you those as well.I would also order 25's over the net but i'd get the 1" 1/2.
Of course you can order them over the internet, but in some state, including my home state of Massachusetts, possession of a hypodermic needle with out a prescription is a criminal offense. But if you doc is giving you a script for test, he will also give you a script for the pinz.
glad i live in canada, don't need prescriptions for any of that shit, just walk into the pharmacy or drug store and ask for the needles, i go for 22g 1", gettem every time