Negro`s - Pinnacle`s cycle

Good strenght start to pop at the gym, mean 10-20 more on my actual routine is a great sign. I don`t know where I read here someone saying wasnot impress with Pinnacle what kind of stuff you run bro HG??

I mean this Tren is as good as heaven jajaja. si como el cielito lindo.

Im up 7 pounds and looking some fat is going off my waist so this cycle is going Awesome.

Kill me chest today like I was not doing it in long time.
Big week for me, sorry guys but my time is very limit during the week so hadr to log in on week days. So far 12 pounds of lean muscle and the strenght is on the Sky. Just the best cycle I ever had so far, this gear is my only choice from now on. No PIP, or bruise or nothing. Sides of the Tren are not bad maybe due to Test higher dose. Is just great to get this results so quick on the cycle. Will update while I can