Never used steroids, looking to maybe start, I dont even know what to use?

What everyone is trying to say if we can come to a conclusion on this your 22(a lil to young). 155 which means you have lots of natty potential. You probaly need to focus on your diet a lil more. And stick around and learn a lil from us guys. You will learn the ropes fast around here for your goals. Check out the diet section lots of good post...

Dunno man. Been taking in 3500-4000 calories a day and havent gained weight. I think my diet is pretty outstanding I just think I got some weird genetics. My brother who hasnt worked out in his life is 25. 6'2 130. So as you can tell. Skinnyness is horrible in our family.
Dunno man. Been taking in 3500-4000 calories a day and havent gained weight. I think my diet is pretty outstanding I just think I got some weird genetics. My brother who hasnt worked out in his life is 25. 6'2 130. So as you can tell. Skinnyness is horrible in our family.

Do your research in the diet section man. Its how you eat, when you eat it, and the way you pick up your fork and knife. theres alot more to it than you think.
Do your research in the diet section man. Its how you eat, when you eat it, and the way you pick up your fork and knife. theres alot more to it than you think.

I will look more into diet too but,

You seem to be the only one that wanted to really help me and the prohoromone threads seem kinda dead.

I wasnt really doubting they work. I mean they obviously do or there wouldnt be such a great market for them that I see (being sold out with high reviews exc).

But as far as side effects. Is it almost as bad as steroids? To be honest I dont mind the risk of liver failure if I overdose or something because I am going to take the minimum amount. But I just wanna make sure if I decide to get off one day if I am going to stop producing testostorne or something.
Protein shakes are need a Mass building Shake.Like When I was a 900 Calories Shake and would gulp that down 2 times a day with milk...then went to lowfat milk.Then went to water and no milk.Now it's down to water and JUST a protein shake every 4 days.No mass shake now.

I can't answer about using steroids unless you tried those shakes.You need LOTS of food and having a correct program to make steroids work for you..Even the pro-hormones NEED Food when taken.

To say you eat 3500 calories doesn't really cut it when you can add those calories from a menu.

Even your brother would benefit from Mass Building Shakes at 6 foot 1 and 130 pounds.

Can you eat every 2 hours if you needed too? Eat an apple..then make a sandwich..then maybe cook a chicken..then make a red meat dinner...then maybe another apple or banana..then make and have a shake? Then maybe a bowl of rice or chicken again...then a breakfast meal at night..then to bed? ...and do it again ?

You will gain weigh regardless of what you do in the gym.

Doing steroids and going to classes and eating less will not work unless you load-juice up like crazy and that will cost even more money to make you look like a 'roid head if that's your cannot afford it or the food you eat and buy yet.

Taking pro-hormones might work for you since it's more cost effective.Like I need more foods then you need a magic pill.Stop adding calories..that doesn't seems to be working for you right now.Eat every 2 hours and carry a bag with food with you at all times to stay in a positive nitrogen balance.Now that's a commitment to gain weigh first.You NEED to learn how to control your weight with the food you eat.You're a young buck starting out.
Protein shakes are need a Mass building Shake.Like When I was a 900 Calories Shake and would gulp that down 2 times a day with milk...then went to lowfat milk.Then went to water and no milk.Now it's down to water and JUST a protein shake every 4 days.No mass shake now.

I can't answer about using steroids unless you tried those shakes.You need LOTS of food and having a correct program to make steroids work for you..Even the pro-hormones NEED Food when taken.

To say you eat 3500 calories doesn't really cut it when you can add those calories from a menu.

Even your brother would benefit from Mass Building Shakes at 6 foot 1 and 130 pounds.

Can you eat every 2 hours if you needed too? Eat an apple..then make a sandwich..then maybe cook a chicken..then make a red meat dinner...then maybe another apple or banana..then make and have a shake? Then maybe a bowl of rice or chicken again...then a breakfast meal at night..then to bed? ...and do it again ?

You will gain weigh regardless of what you do in the gym.

Doing steroids and going to classes and eating less will not work unless you load-juice up like crazy and that will cost even more money to make you look like a 'roid head if that's your cannot afford it or the food you eat and buy yet.

Taking pro-hormones might work for you since it's more cost effective.Like I need more foods then you need a magic pill.Stop adding calories..that doesn't seems to be working for you right now.Eat every 2 hours and carry a bag with food with you at all times to stay in a positive nitrogen balance.Now that's a commitment to gain weigh first.You NEED to learn how to control your weight with the food you eat.You're a young buck starting out.

I currently eat at 7 am 9 am 11 am 1 pm 3 pm and 5 pm.

So.... lol. Obviously thats not working for me.

As for prohoromones, do you know a lot about them and might be willing to help me with some questions?
You need a MASS shake Buddy.Nice thick loaded chocolate flavored milk freeze shake.Use Milk!!

It loaded with nutrients for muscles.

If you're gonna do Pro-hormones...Don't do an halo-clone.It's too anabolic and will burn the fat off ya.
You need a MASS shake Buddy.Nice thick loaded chocolate flavored milk freeze shake.Use Milk!!

It loaded with nutrients for muscles.

If you're gonna do Pro-hormones...Don't do an halo-clone.It's too anabolic and will burn the fat off ya.

could use some abs...

i dont get cycles. do i take it for 8 weeks or something, then just stop until I feel like I need it again? or do i take it every day for years?
I would say maybe some sarms and no gh. You don't wanna fuck with hormones in your body till you learn how to eat. One thing about this game is its not hyped like its made out to be. You don't take s shot in the ass, sit at home, and eat cheeseburgers all day. We train just as hard as anyone else but eat more then the natty guy cause we have to fuel our bodies to grow. Simple concept that's needed to be understood before one does anything. If you can't gain weight off cycle your not gonna gain on. It means your not feeding your body the way it needs to be. Get your diet cool then when your 25-26 start looking at options. Untill then put on about 50 pounds.
You need a MASS shake Buddy.Nice thick loaded chocolate flavored milk freeze shake.Use Milk!!

It loaded with nutrients for muscles.

If you're gonna do Pro-hormones...Don't do an halo-clone.It's too anabolic and will burn the fat off ya.
He don't need that shit!! He needs food.
i feel your pain man i ate like crazy when i was your age and didnt gain a pound now that im over 26 i can actually gain weight from eating right but i still have to stay on top of it
I currently eat at 7 am 9 am 11 am 1 pm 3 pm and 5 pm.

So.... lol. Obviously thats not working for me.

As for prohoromones, do you know a lot about them and might be willing to help me with some questions?

Why do you stop eating at 5pm? Are you going to sleep at 6pm? You really should be eating at 7 and 9 too. Then drink a nice casein shake w/ flax + glutamine right before bed. Do you drink alcohol? Do you get enough sleep?

DIET encumbers your whole lifestyle not only how many calories you eat. Go to the diet section and post in the free 3J thread. This would be a good start for you.
Basically what is being said is that if you can't gain weight now (with your thin build) then aas isn't going to help.

Diet is 90%, even for people on gear. Are you doing cardio? If so, try not doing it but eat till it hurts then eat another chicken breast.
Good luck
A small bit of advice from one newbie to another, listen to these guys they know what they are talking about. I'm 7 years older than you so past my natty potential but I weigh more or less the same as you. I've had trouble putting on weight my whole life so I feel your pain. My diet is excellent much as you have said I'm getting 3500kcal a day on training days but seeing no results, I even went as far as to have metabolic typing done and blood test so I'm eating the right foods for me, and my diet plan was designed by a personal trainer/nutritionist (problem is these guys aren't bodybuilders they are fitness instructors so don't help with putting on lbs of lean muscle). So I though I would look into AAS, turns out I would be really wasting my time and money. I'm now looking into a way of upping my calories more, this is hard as I already spend most of the day feeling bloated and full on what I eat and i eat every two hours from waking to going to aleep, but I will work it out with the help of my trainer.
You may want to consider swapping from small meals every two hours to 3 very large meals a day as this will slow your metabolism which will help you put on weight, it's something I'm think of doing.
Don't feel disheartened by this though, work hard eat lots and you will see the benefit. Keep reading on here and build up as much knowledge as you can, there are threads on here that explain the answers to all your questions in huge detail and more. Later in life you may decide to give AAS a go so get the knowledge now so you can make an informed decision later.
One final thing is doing AAS shouldn't been done on a budget from what I have read you need to be ready to spent out on post cycle therapy (pct) and all sorts of other things to help with a cycle, the best advice is just wait and keep training hard and eat for the size you want to be not the size you are.

EDIT - I'm not past my natty potential that's not actually what I mean I have a long way to go before I get there, what I mean is that my body isn't producing natural test by the bucket load as it used to.
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Im familiar with pro hormones, my opinion : you have only been lifting a year you still should wait on that too. Who taught yu to lift, i mean how do you know your doing the best excersises, the best routine? You say your eating is good but what about your gym time. Ive trained a few friends on better excersises/ routine and they saw more results in 2 months than in years solo or even with a personal trainer. Learn how to use free weights and to lift with your muscles yu will get results.
Okay so im 22, male. And I am looking to maybe start I got a few question.

First off, I am in college still and make minimum wage so the cheaper the better (I could replace my 60 dollar a month protein shakes). I am not willing to pay that much.

I am currently 6'1 155 pounds and have been lifting a year. I have gotten a little stronger, but no noticeable size difference and I want to know how much steroids will help me.

Question 1) What do I buy to start, and what are the street prices? (also I want pill form only)

Question 2) How long until I get noticeably bigger from steroids assuming I work out hard every other day?

Question 3) What noticeable side effects have you guys encountered while taking steroids?

Question 4) How much problems do you encounter after you quit steroids assuming you get off the right way (less and less every day).

Question 5) What is the bare minimum price per month I would spend on steroids?

Please offer any advice you can.

1) you should have testosterone as a base for your cycle, testosterone doesnt come in pill form.. so until your ready to bite the bullet & jab.. your not ready

2) there are alot of factors that come into play here.. calorie intake, training plan, rest time, dosage.. 1 thing i will tell you.. if you dont know how to eat properly and see gains (natural or not) then steroids arent going to do MUCH for you

3) there are alot of different side effects that will occur depending on what steroid your using.. it ranges from Gyno (man boobs) to acne, oily skin, increased agression, testicular shrinkage, hairloss, unwanted hair growth.. plus a whole lot more that i didnt mention

4) using "less & less every day" is not the correct way to come off a cycle.. there is a term called "Post Cycle Therapy" do AS MUCH research as it takes to KNOW THIS back to front & inside out.. it is JUST AS important than your steroid cycle

5)depends on where you live.. prices are not to be discussed on the boards so please dont attempt to source products or discuss prices

Basically dude.. no.. no your not ready, you are YEARS from being ready.. go away and do ALOT of research..

actually KNOW what your doing to your body when you use Anabolic steroids & how they work

there are a vast range of steroids out there.. learn what effect each steroid has on the body & why it has that effect..

lots of steroids side effects are unique to that steroid.. learn about the side effects that are related to each different steroid and WHY those side effects occur.. learn HOW to combat each different side effect you may experience..

learn about Dosages.. more DOES NOT mean better, i cant stress this enough.. alot of the time, bumping up dosage just means intensifying side effects

thoroughly learn what Post Cycle Therapy is & why you MUST do a proper post cycle therapy (pct) once you finish a cycle.. i CANNOT STESS THIS ENOUGH.. if you do an improper post cycle therapy (pct).. you can permanently ruin your body
I currently eat at 7 am 9 am 11 am 1 pm 3 pm and 5 pm.

So.... lol. Obviously thats not working for me.

As for prohoromones, do you know a lot about them and might be willing to help me with some questions?

Hey man, I was once in your shoes also. I came out of high school 6' 155. Trained all through high school, just never put on weight. It wasnt until about 21 that I put on some natural pounds. Maybe 15 or so. I see you stated that you eat from 7am to 5pm. Thats only 10 hours of your day. What about the other 14 hours??? My friend this is where your problem lies. Get your mind off of pro hormones and anabolics. Focus on what you are lackin on now. Because if you dont address this problem now and fix it, it will always be a problem and you will never obtain the goals you want. You have a few options here. If the money is available, go to the diet section and look up 3j. He can guarentee you will put on weight if you follow his programs. Another option, which is what I did, was researched a little on diet, and applied it. It was basically one simple principle for people my age and weight. The see food diet. Whenever you see food, eat it. Stick to meats, eggs, dairy, peanut butter, i could go on and on. I was at one point eating a dozen eggs a day(hard boiled), a gallon of whole or 2% milk, 2 1200 calorie shakes, a jar of pb, and that was just daily protocol. Not including everything in between ie bfast dinner lunch mid day snacks n late night snacks. This may not be the healthiest route, but I grew. Your diets bad man. Work on it.
I just never get anywhere training :/. I work so hard. take in 3500 calories a day. Take every legal suppliment you can think of. And been working a year. All my friends make fun of me because im so skinny still.

ill tell you right now my man steroids arn't your answer... you dont get anywhere because you dont have proper nutrition...

im a sport nutritionist, i have seen soo many people with your same issue that have overcome it with my help..

what if i told you i could put 1-2lbs on your body a week without gear? would that interest you?? (and it would be hell of a lot cheaper then steroids)
I totally agree with Josh here, go to the diet section and get some free diet advice from 3J. He will set you straight with your diet brother. I guarantee he will get you bigger right now then you will with your current diet and steroids bro. Your tiny bro, need a change in your diet. It's not just the calories man, you gotta eat the right foods at the right time of day, the macros, theres heaps that come into play, not just calorie intake.

We are all here to help you mate, if you really think steroids is the way then look at pro-hormones first, wait a couple of years and do testosterone 500mg a week. If you don't want to take advice then first cycle should be what I said above, test @ 500mg a week and post cycle therapy (pct) use clomid, 50/50/50/50. Start 2 weeks after your last test pin.

Pro hormones is a touchy subject... Jenner- believe it or not my gp said the same but I also think it's a good start for people not in the right position to start test etc.

At the end of the day it's your choice bro, there's a few ideas you could do anyway. Any questions, feel free to msg my wall bro.

Stick around, there's so much knowledge here on this forum, not just the anabolic section.
ill tell you right now my man steroids arn't your answer... you dont get anywhere because you dont have proper nutrition...

im a sport nutritionist, i have seen soo many people with your same issue that have overcome it with my help..

what if i told you i could put 1-2lbs on your body a week without gear? would that interest you?? (and it would be hell of a lot cheaper then steroids)

X2... This is the man that'll help you out the most in your current situation, I use him, and what he says goes. He knows his shit, if he can't help you, no one can. Lol. Btw, he says 1-2lbs a week, he means it bro.