New Acne after Accutane


Never done learning
Before I begin... I know there are other threads about acne in existance but this deals specifically with new acne post Accutane cycle.... So, I was on Accutane for 4 months at 80 mgs/day prescribed by derma. All acne went away and everything was great,just red marks from old acne fading. 2 months after finished accutane cycle (with no roids) I began a Test E cycle only. This was in Nov. and I am on week 6. In the past two days I have gotten about 6 new pimples on my chest that start off red and are now scabbing. I think cystic as this is what I had b4 but these are not nearly as deep under the skin. At any rait I am very paranoid this will develop into a full blown out of control outbreak soon. Like I said this is week 6 at 500 mgs per week split up biweekly. I tan 4 times a week and use prescription pracsion every day in the shower. Skin doesnt seem overly oily but not as dry as bfore... Any thoughts would be appreciated
yeah.. im going home and have a derm appt. next week. I'm going to try and get a low dose script. I dont drink or anythign and am not taking orals so I should be fine if I go on while cycling
4 months is really short for accutane and 80mgs a day is kinda low, depending on your size. i did 6 months at 120mg/day (i'm 200-210). my last week i had a zit on my chest, no additional hormones in me either.

Guess what? accutane doesn't work equally on everybody and trunkal acne is much harder to alleviate with it than is facial acne, so you might just have to deal with it.

odd point.. for me acne isn't too bad when ON but during post cycle therapy (pct) when the hormones are all jacked up, then my back looks like shit.. we'll see what happens after having had the treatment.