new beginning thanks 3js


New member
Hey am along time lurker, but first time posting.. Need to join the forum.
As a thirdy something male doing the gym thing for years now and not seeing real results that I desire I send 3js a email. He reponsed right away, Answer afew questions I had and carb cycling would be the plan for me. After doing the questionire he send me the program, and i can see were I have been going wrong thanks 3js its one week done, seven more to go !
sure Quick stats when i started weight 178lbs, height 5'10, age 33, bf% unsure, those hand helded reads are so unreliable so i stop using them. i got to get a caliper soon and learn how to use it. View attachment 547326
im suprised you even got a pic up.. with 3 posts you shouldn't have been able to lol.. it takes 50 posts to put pics up.. thanks for the log.. keep it going!
Its a few weeks in now, foods is getting much easier. cycling between 300,200,100 gram days is no problem. it just took some time to adjust to that much food, a good thing ! liking the more food its help me to improve on all my best bench, deadlift, squats. I'm down 8 pounds now and that fats on the body fat.View attachment 547386
Started with 3j this week, finding by meal 4, I am just not hungry. I suppose I'll adjust, its a lot more food and more regular eating than I have been eating
Keep eating trust me it gets easier. Before you know it you will be able to eat even more, well I can good luck .
Keep eating trust me it gets easier. Before you know it you will be able to eat even more, well I can good luck .

Starting to get hungrier. I did my first weight/measurements today, after reading all the great feedback for 3j I was still surprised at great results.

It's only been a week and the results so far are great. My wife has really noticed it as well.
I hear that, people around me are asking what am I doing and what the program. Its sweet that thing are coming together.
I only wish I had found 3j before I spent (wasted) money on sups and destroying my metabolism by not eating.
ok, back at it now after christmas and the new years flu. i manage to keep my weight on track, am down to 168 pounds without all the gym time. I didn't wanted to share my flu with fellow gym members. this week been hard the mind wants to lift heavy but the body not 100% yet.