New Cutting Cycle " Cut Stack"


New member
Good to be back on this board :)... havent been here in the longest times!! glad to see same people are still here...

So i thought about running this Cycle and i just wanted to know your thoughts for the PCT for after words...

Each 1ML contains
-50mg of Trenbolone Acetate
-50mg of Testosterone Propionate
-50mg of Drostanolone Propionate

Injections Every other day (i thought about doing 1 - 1.5 cc) running for 10weeks
I also Have Anavar as well got different thoughts on either adding anavar or not adding it....

Please provide your thoughts :)...

regarding the PCT i am totally confused for this "cut stack"

What Pct ingredients would you recommend on getting...

clomid/nolva/hcg? totally confused for this cycle....

Thanks in advance! :).....
pct is always the same my friend.. 50mg clomid ed for 4 weeks.. and some would argue 20mg nolva same thing..

what are your current stats??

whats your diet going to look like on this cycle?
Welcome back.

Pct is not dependent on what cycle you run, the compound you use or wither is a bulk or cut.. Pct is always the same, BUT the timing of you pct is dependent on what compounds you run.

Drop the hcg from pct and run it 500 iu the duration of the cycle ,, You need to run an AI the duration of cycle as well
Same PCT as always use nolva and clomid. Holy shit dude you have been a member for 11 years.
Stats are 5,7
bf 15-16%

Diet is in order

Do you see a point of adding Anavar to this? im getting different opinions some say will be a very nice add some say not at all....

So would you say
with the Cycle
HCG though out 500iu a week
Armidex ... starting from first injection or from second week and going to the last inj.

50mg clomid ed for 4 weeks..
20mg Nolva ED for 4weeks
How long do you plan to run this cycle.. Your BF% is a little on the high side, I'd add the VAR to the back end of the cycle, when your BF may be lower, like weeks 7-12.. All depends on your goals with this cycle though.
Arimidex .25 eod from day one should be fine
to loose this damn weight.... :) lol.... had a baby and now i feel like im about to have a second one lol.....

i like that regarding weeks 7-12 makes sense....
Haha! that really looks wrong!...... My wife had a baby. My daughter just turned 2. so for 2 years i kind of relaxed and packed a few... I was saying i regarding my BF% that i feel like im about to have one as well lol...

Not good cycle for female lol...

Sorry it came out like that lol

Now that im thinking about it, what if i up the tren dosage... adding just one shot a week Tren E 200mg... that would ammount to 350-400mg of tren a week
Seems like a decent stack, but you will need to pin a bunch of it if you inject eod. Shit even if you inject ed it will be a high volume injection. Go buy some 10 cc syringes because it seems like you will be needing something that big.

Or is that some sort of blend that you have?
its a blend... here are the stats of it
Testosterone Propionate: 50mg
Drostanolone Propionate: 50mg
Trenbolone Acetate: 50mg

so basicly ill be doing
blend 1cc EOD will amount to a week (4shots a week)
Testosterone Propionate: 200mg
Drostanolone Propionate: 200mg
Trenbolone Acetate: 200mg

1 Shot of Tren E 200mg a week
Arimidex .5mg EOD (cause its a 1mg pill easier to break in half)

anavar 50mg ed week 7 -12

PCT 2 weeks after last pin
Clomid 50mg ed for 4 weeks
Nolva 20mg ed for 4 weeks
^^^ Regarding Adex at .5 mg eod.. That's too much IMO.. Your running two compounds that don't even aromatize. And your only running 200 mg a week of test

Order liquid Adex so you can measure out at smaller mg dosages