New cycle advice. Blast/cruise/blast vs long cycle?


New member
Hey bros!

Been a while since Ive run a cycle. I am 5'6", 28 yrs old, currently weighing in at 163, close to 15%bf. Ive run a few cycles before. Compounds include test e and p, deca, tren ace, dbol, tbol, and anadrol. Ive also used most of the common ancilliaries such as adex, exemestane, letro, caber, nolva, clomid, and hcg. Before you ask, that was not all in the same cycle. Different combinations of those over the last few years. 2 12 week cycles and 2 4 week cycles.

I am thinking of doing a show next year in october. Right now I am looking to cut some bodyfat to around 12% before I start a bulking cycle. I am thinking next february I will begin. I have a few cycles in mind but I would appreciate some input from you guys. Before I get into it I should say that I have learned I am somewhat gyno sensitive so this was a big factor when choosing the compounds I was thinking of using.

I could run a really long cycle starting in february, 12 week bulking, then cruise for two months on 250mg test and 50mg anavar. Then keep the test at 250 and add in mast e at 400 with a 50mg winny finisher. I would run exemestane at low dose and hcg the entire time, caber when using npp. The idea is, I wouldnt have enough time to run a true bulking cycle, pct+time off, then a cutting cycle. I would like to put on slow, steady, quality mass.

Another option would be running a 20+ week test/eq cycle at 500/600 with a tbol kicker and winny finisher. I could add in mast at the end as well. I just dont know how I feel about the idea of running EQ for that long because of the blood thickening effect.

So what do you guys think? Ideas welcome.
Sounds like you need a better diet and workout routine not aas. 163lb is not very much bro. Shouldn't need aas at that weight
Personally i am a fan of longer cycles. For me a 12 week is too short, considering the test takes nearly 4 weeks to kick in. So really u end up only doing an 8 week cycle. I would go with the test/eq, its a good combination. Also many have reported that the eq takes a long time to kick in as well.
Personally i am a fan of longer cycles. For me a 12 week is too short, considering the test takes nearly 4 weeks to kick in. So really u end up only doing an 8 week cycle. I would go with the test/eq, its a good combination. Also many have reported that the eq takes a long time to kick in as well.

Test E has a half life of 10.5 days give or take depending on the individual.

It takes 4 weeks of injections to be fully feeling it and to begin seeing strength and size gains. Some see psychological changes earlier, typically week 3.

If you're injecting for 8 more weeks to make a total of 12 weeks of injections, you begin PCT 14 days after the final injection, than you have pretty much 10 weeks with the Test fully active in the system.

So the whole "8wks on from 12wks of injections" comment is not completely right. And the difference between 8-10 weeks can mean a lot of gains I would imagine.

Understanding how long the substance lasts in the system is very important for planning PCT and for some, timing for testing.