New cycle comparison advice


New member
I am coming near the first finight of a pct after taking Epi 2.0, Ostashred and fat burner. I am looking to start a new cycle and contemplating AAS (super mandro, Andro the giant, osta and a fat burner) or Sarm(triple stack protocol). My goal is to lost more BF about 4% more and gain some good lean mass. Any advice on what stack to do? I also want to keep after stopping the cycle and a pct cycle.

Don't you think we all want to keep our gains after each cycle ?

What are your complete stats age , wt, ht,BF% and history
True, lol.

Currently, 190, 18.5%, 34 5'10. Was 205 23%. In 6 months have gained quite a bit of LBM. My next milestone is 14% BF. I have only done 1 cycle of epi2/ostashred and now pct ever. I want to accelerate a little but think through sustaining it long term. Curious as best stack for me and reading a lot about aas vs. Sarm. Thanks.