New cycle help! Trenbolone E Testosterone E


New member
I have one bottle of 10ml of test e and a bottle of 10ml tren e I was wondering could I use these two for a cycle or would it be to little? The test e is at 300mg/ml and tren is at 250mg/ml thanks for the advice! My supplier sent me a bottle of tren e by mistake btw.
Is this your first cycle? Usually when questions like these are being asked, the op needs more research. Short answer would be no...
Thanks for the Quick reply bro and no it would be my 3rd cycle. I was just wondering if anyone else has had a good cycle with such low doses.
I've never seen tren come in 250 mg but anyway the tren is low in my opinion but enough to see some progress but 10 weeks for long esters isn't enough time. Tren e for most people carry more sides just so you know tren ace always gives more bang for your buck, since it's free I'd use it lol
Haha yeah I decided I'll be getting another bottle of the same tren e. So 500mg/week for 10 weeks or something like 410mg/week for 12 weeks I'll be using 300mg test e as well to prevent complete shutdown. And I will also use dbol 30mg ed for first 5 weeks does this cycle seem solid? Thanks for the input bros.
And pct is
nolva 20/20/20/20
Clomid 40/40/40/40
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I wouldn't use the dbol unless you are really intune with your body And know what your doing with your AI..... estrogen will fuck up your whole tren experience 3-400 tren would be plenty for first time.
Okay thanks for the reply bro. I'm going to start my cycle but I decided to change do you think this is a solid cycle ?
Weeks 1-10 410 mg tren e
Weeks 1-10 300mg test e
And I don't know should I include Dbol @30mg/day for 1st 5 weeks? Btw this will be my 3rd cycle. Do dosages look good ??? Any advice is greatly appreciated :)
I have one bottle of 10ml of test e and a bottle of 10ml tren e I was wondering could I use these two for a cycle or would it be to little? The test e is at 300mg/ml and tren is at 250mg/ml thanks for the advice! My supplier sent me a bottle of tren e by mistake btw.

no get another 2 btls of test and run it for 12-14 weeks anf the tren for 8-10weeks. 250mg tren ew is still ok since its strong, but test is a little low and i would rec it longer then tren, also only expect to get 9ml out of every 10ml due to loss per shot ( likely only 0.5ml lost but always do it like its 9ml per bottle so you dont mess your cycles up IMO.
howmany cycles have you done?
Okay thanks for the reply bro. I'm going to start my cycle but I decided to change do you think this is a solid cycle ?
Weeks 1-10 410 mg tren e
Weeks 1-10 300mg test e
And I don't know should I include Dbol @30mg/day for 1st 5 weeks? Btw this will be my 3rd cycle. Do dosages look good ??? Any advice is greatly appreciated :)

Do you have an AI or prami on hand?
no get another 2 btls of test and run it for 12-14 weeks anf the tren for 8-10weeks. 250mg tren ew is still ok since its strong, but test is a little low and i would rec it longer then tren, also only expect to get 9ml out of every 10ml due to loss per shot ( likely only 0.5ml lost but always do it like its 9ml per bottle so you dont mess your cycles up IMO.
howmany cycles have you done?
I have ran 2 cycles this will be my 3rd. So do you think that 2 bottles of test e @300mg/ml would be enough @500Mg for 11/12 weeks?
Along with tren e @250mg/week for 9/10 weeks?
9 weeks of tren e @500mg enough time???

I was wondering would this be enough time for the tren e to kick in I know everyone is different, but like what have y'all experienced with tren e is this good for a first tren run? Also I chose tren e cause less pinning.