Read alot of similar posts but not exactly the same so i figd i'd ask.. Started cycle of test enanthate 2 wks ago. Its 250. Done 8-10 cycles before over last 6 yrs with not problems. Never anything heavy usually inject 1cc every 3 days. Always clean and slow. Hot shower afterward and all that. But this time it is kicking my ass. Literally. Knotting up big time, large sore area with swelling for at least 3 days after stick. And twice now ive had flu-like symptoms for a couple days starting 6-8 hours after I pin. Not tryin to be a bitch but its been fuckin rough! And idk why.
I know 2 others on same gear/same batch with no problems, including my supplier. His stuff is usually strong. So I trust my gear. I dont see what i could do differently, switched from glutes to ventro so i'd have more control. I started right off with 1cc so should i maybe back off to 1/2 and ease into it?
I've never started of with TE, usually prop or cyp but im not sure if that matters.
I know 2 others on same gear/same batch with no problems, including my supplier. His stuff is usually strong. So I trust my gear. I dont see what i could do differently, switched from glutes to ventro so i'd have more control. I started right off with 1cc so should i maybe back off to 1/2 and ease into it?
I've never started of with TE, usually prop or cyp but im not sure if that matters.