New cycle making me sick as a dog??!!


New member
Read alot of similar posts but not exactly the same so i figd i'd ask.. Started cycle of test enanthate 2 wks ago. Its 250. Done 8-10 cycles before over last 6 yrs with not problems. Never anything heavy usually inject 1cc every 3 days. Always clean and slow. Hot shower afterward and all that. But this time it is kicking my ass. Literally. Knotting up big time, large sore area with swelling for at least 3 days after stick. And twice now ive had flu-like symptoms for a couple days starting 6-8 hours after I pin. Not tryin to be a bitch but its been fuckin rough! And idk why.
I know 2 others on same gear/same batch with no problems, including my supplier. His stuff is usually strong. So I trust my gear. I dont see what i could do differently, switched from glutes to ventro so i'd have more control. I started right off with 1cc so should i maybe back off to 1/2 and ease into it?
I've never started of with TE, usually prop or cyp but im not sure if that matters.
Read alot of similar posts but not exactly the same so i figd i'd ask.. Started cycle of test enanthate 2 wks ago. Its 250. Done 8-10 cycles before over last 6 yrs with not problems. Never anything heavy usually inject 1cc every 3 days. Always clean and slow. Hot shower afterward and all that. But this time it is kicking my ass. Literally. Knotting up big time, large sore area with swelling for at least 3 days after stick. And twice now ive had flu-like symptoms for a couple days starting 6-8 hours after I pin. Not tryin to be a bitch but its been fuckin rough! And idk why.
I know 2 others on same gear/same batch with no problems, including my supplier. His stuff is usually strong. So I trust my gear. I dont see what i could do differently, switched from glutes to ventro so i'd have more control. I started right off with 1cc so should i maybe back off to 1/2 and ease into it?
I've never started of with TE, usually prop or cyp but im not sure if that matters.


It's unclear which ester you're injecting. Is "TE" test E or test no ester? Are you injecting "TE".
Do your vile have a batch number on them? Are you sure they're from the same batch as your friends?
Test enanthate. Supplier is local ******** The two I know using it are supposed to have test enanthate from same batch. Neither of them had any abnormal side effects. Thats whats confusing me.
so you have flu like sympt after the injection?? is the area red, swollen, and painful to touch? do you have a fever??
what we are trying to figure out here is if youre dealing with test flu, or if you have an infection from the injection..
EO maybe. It doesn't work for everyone, myself included.

Same issue here.

so you have flu like sympt after the injection?? is the area red, swollen, and painful to touch? do you have a fever??
what we are trying to figure out here is if youre dealing with test flu, or if you have an infection from the injection..

Very important... did your previous pins clear up?

Read this thread it was only from a week ago or so, covers filtering for all the reasons you described.
6-8 hrs later i develop flu-like symptoms. Hot/cold, achy, etc. It becomes swollen and sore to touch also and lasts 3-4 days. Flu symptoms vary. Last week only lasted couple hours. Did one sunday morning and starting 6-8 hrs later felt bad til today. But still sore and swollen. One injection from last thursday did turn slightly red but has gone away since and no longer sore. Could i have gotten an infection from first injection and each one after is re-aggravating my system? Idk ive talked to my source and others but no one can explain.
Yes they eventually do clear up and go back to normal. Soreness is last to go. Only pinned 4 times sofar since i just started. Once flu symptoms subside its just swollen and sore for another day or two.
I did read that last nite. My only difference was i know others aupposedly using gear from same batch. But i ordered and filter and all as suggested in that thread since it fixed his problem. My source did say he had to really push hard with this batch so maybe the filter failed on part of it. Im supposed to pin tomorrow but i am hesitant to do it again with all this going on. Perhaps i should filter it first?
I filtered thru a .45 micron filter and tried 1/2 a cc. 24 hrs later, little sore but no sickness or swelling, may try 1 cc in a couple days and see how that goes. Not sure if its better because I filtered or because I did 1/2..