New cycle, never tried one like this


New member
Hey, I'm 5'10 185 lbs 9% bf. I've got 5 cycles under my belt but nothing this hard core.

Heres the plan. MTPM (masterone 100mg, test p 100, and Mten 1mg blend) 1/5 ml ed
Since I don't like the tren to test ratios I'm going to add 300mg test per week split between 150mg doses.
The NPP deca 200mg week split between 2 100mg doses mainly to help with joint pain. This will be 8 week cycle. And 100mg avavar last 4 weeks. Also 0.5 mg adex throughout bump up to 1mg if needed. And Liz.52 throughout. Unless there's better liver protect out there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
What about the extra test, 750mg a week to counteract the sides, also if I drop npp what u think about adding liquid winni
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What about the extra test, 750mg a week to counteract the sides, also if I drop npp what u think about adding liquid winni

It won't help. IMO your just wasting the Deca if you're using Tren.

Test/Tren/Masteron is a pretty killer cycle, just stick with that.
Hey, I'm 5'10 185 lbs 9% bf. I've got 5 cycles under my belt but nothing this hard core.

Heres the plan. MTPM (masterone 100mg, test p 100, and Mten 1mg blend) 1/5 ml ed
Since I don't like the tren to test ratios I'm going to add 300mg test per week split between 150mg doses.
The NPP deca 200mg week split between 2 100mg doses mainly to help with joint pain. This will be 8 week cycle. And 100mg avavar last 4 weeks. Also 0.5 mg adex throughout bump up to 1mg if needed. And Liz.52 throughout. Unless there's better liver protect out there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

5 cycles and you are 185pounds @ 5'10" Sounds like you need to work on diet and training not another cycle.....
Well i was at 220lbs. Shattered my jaw playing college football and lost dOwn to 165. Even at 183 I bench 405 and squat 550. I'm not really looking fOr build just strength and mucle hardness. And decreased bodyfat. My diet and training is legit. I can post video and pics if u doubt me
Well i was at 220lbs. Shattered my jaw playing college football and lost dOwn to 165. Even at 183 I bench 405 and squat 550. I'm not really looking fOr build just strength and mucle hardness. And decreased bodyfat. My diet and training is legit. I can post video and pics if u doubt me

Never doubt you only asking with weight being what it was. Well you should be able to get most of that weight back with this cycle it looks pretty hardcore!
Cycle history

Very 1st cycle (unresearced didn't know what I was doing. I got 3 months Of humatrope hgh for free was taking 15iu EOD I know this was stupid. No sides though except joint ankle pain.
1st cycle: tri test(test prop, testPP, test E, 600mg/wk Dbol, bold 12 weeks. Upped to 900 test last 4 wks.
2nd: Sustanon (sust) 250. 750mgba week. Deca, winni tabs, 10 weeks.
3rd: various PH cycles bc I lost my source.
Most recent
4th, since I'm in military and couldn't hide syringes bc of room inspects. I did oral only 120mg winni a day. 80my var and 100 primo.(8weeks) Kno I shouldve added test but had no choice. Great results though got my bench over 400 and at 180lbs thats pretty good. Got tests efter liver enzymes fine and lipids Norman. Btw the only tren I've run was 19-nor tren PH 125mg/day. My body seems to handle all these things well.and of course proper pct protocol and liver support during and adex throught