New cycle-suggestions


New member
How's this look for gaining some size, but not to much fat.
35mg dbol weeks 1-4
500mg sus weeks 1-10
50mg win ed weeks 9-13
400mg eq weeks 9-13
clomid weeks 14-16

I also will be running 10mg nolva ed and .5mg armidex ed

Should I increase sus to 750 any of the weeks? Dbol increase?
Currently 205 about 11-12%bf
Thanks guys!

Also might run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) week 5, 500iu ed
eq is a long acting ester and should be run at least 10-12 weeks , and i would probably reccomend eth instead of sustanon
you got to run the EQ for at least 10 weeks. Anything shorter then that will be worthless. What is your experience with AAS? Just asking cause that's a lot of gear
This is my second cycle, but my first cycle was 5 years ago! I'm 30 years old, have been lifting for about 10 years. I'm 205 5'10 with about 11-12%bf.
I've already started the cycle or I may have switched to enathate. But sus was all I could get my hands on at the time. So, besides the eq, does everything else look ok?
Should I just run the winnie by itself? I don't know if I can get eq that quick to add it in by week second. Also, had a bad experience with deca (shut me down hard or soft, so to speak, lol)

Any advice on how to alter the end of my cycle to help cut up and keep gains would be appreciated, tren, etc..

Should I up my sus to 750 at any time, or just keep it at 500 thoughout? Thanks guys, this really helps out
I would just forget about the EQ, go with 500 mg Sustanon (sust) all the way through your cycle, no need to increase or taper. I'd change the Winstrol (winny) to week 8-12 and then start clomid 24 hrs after your last Winstrol (winny) day.
I would go with a single ester Test, like Enan. instead of Sus. Also I would drop the Winstrol (winny) and keep the EQ and run it 12 weeks. Try this:
D-bol 25-30mgs./ED Weeks 1-5
Test 400-500mgs./week 1-12
EQ 400mgs./week 1-12
Clomid weeks 13-15
BUFFDAWG10 said:
I would go with a single ester Test, like Enan. instead of Sus. Also I would drop the Winstrol (winny) and keep the EQ and run it 12 weeks. Try this:
D-bol 25-30mgs./ED Weeks 1-5
Test 400-500mgs./week 1-12
EQ 400mgs./week 1-12
Clomid weeks 13-15

I agree with that.
BUFFDAWG10 said:
I would go with a single ester Test, like Enan. instead of Sus. Also I would drop the Winstrol (winny) and keep the EQ and run it 12 weeks. Try this:
D-bol 25-30mgs./ED Weeks 1-5
Test 400-500mgs./week 1-12
EQ 400mgs./week 1-12
Clomid weeks 13-15

BUFF.....I think you missed his other post above;

I've already started the cycle or I may have switched to enathate. But sus was all I could get my hands on at the time. So, besides the eq, does everything else look ok?
Should I just run the winnie by itself? I don't know if I can get eq that quick to add it in by week second. Also, had a bad experience with deca (shut me down hard or soft, so to speak, lol)
thanks for the reply stone! So, you think Winstrol (winny) alone is enough during those weeks to help cut up and keep gains? Do you agree that I should run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) week 5 or 6 at 500iu for 5 days? Thanks!
StoneColdNTO said:
BUFF.....I think you missed his other post above;

I've already started the cycle or I may have switched to enathate. But sus was all I could get my hands on at the time. So, besides the eq, does everything else look ok?
Should I just run the winnie by itself? I don't know if I can get eq that quick to add it in by week second. Also, had a bad experience with deca (shut me down hard or soft, so to speak, lol)

My bad SC, I missed that! Really, if he's planning a cycle he should make sure he has everything before he deicdes to start!:rolleyes:
You would have achieved more size off the EQ @ 12 weeks, and you would have still had that hard, vascular, solid look. Just something to think about for your next cycle. Good Luck Bro!
lancer said:
thanks for the reply stone! So, you think Winstrol (winny) alone is enough during those weeks to help cut up and keep gains? Do you agree that I should run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) week 5 or 6 at 500iu for 5 days? Thanks!

Running the Winstrol (winny) alone (well actually with the test for the most part) will help you get cut, but most of that is diet related anyways. As far as it helping you keep gains, that is mostly dependant on your post cycle regime, includung Clomid, diet and training.

Now to the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) question, I'm sorry but I am not that well educated with it, so I'll let someone else answer that. (never paid too much attention to it as I am on lifetime HRT)
your saying to start the clomid 2 weeks after the Sustanon (sust)? i thought i took longer than that to clear?
If you run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), run it weeks 11 and 12; 500ius eod, make sure you giev yourself at least 3 days after last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shot before you start your clomid therapy. I would drop the nolva unless your nips start to itch, arimidex should be plenty, especially on only 500mg of sustanon. Save the nolva for the two weeks when you adminster Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), even at 500ius eod, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can cause gyno in some people, so I would hit 20mg ed, and taper off Nolva as you start to adminster clomid.
clee said:
your saying to start the clomid 2 weeks after the Sustanon (sust)? i thought i took longer than that to clear?
ah, I forgot about the undeconate ester, I believe its half-life is somewhere around 18-20 days, so I would move the Winstrol (winny) back from what i said to 9-13, not 8-12. Cease the sustanon in week 10.
this is really helpful! I'm keeping these suggestions on record. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is really confusing! Some say to run it midcycle as well to prevent atrophy?