New doctor, same bullshit


New member
So guys,
I've met my new endo today, told him my protocol (250 test en every 3 weeks) is pretty shit and I dont really feel good about it.
I then asked if we could reduce the dose and inject more frequently, like most of you guys do.
He said doing so would skyrocket my levels to "doping levels" (lol), even if i reduce the injection dosage, so he suggested Androgel.
No fucking way, I've tried gels for months and I almost killed myself out of low T misery.
I have now 2 options:
- try Nebido and pay for its price, and no idea if its gonna work either or how they manage it, probably badly as everything else
- stick to enhantate and do everything on my own (it wont be easy)

What would you do?
Find a new Doctor who "Gets it".


Try IMT from this forum. I have never used them, but many guys on here do and have had great results.

Sorry to hear your getting jerked around..
I'd pick the third option:
- Find a doctor that has a clue.

It's obvious this clown doesn't know how half-lives work, and is looking for a payday with the androgel.

I personally am kind of doing option 2 myself in that I take care of everything but the testosterone on my own. I just treat my doc like the script monkey he is, and check in every 6 months.
This all boils down to last summer every other tv comercial was a lawsuit against doctors that prescribed testosterone this and that so they all got skittish and are gunna only hand out sissy scipts.
Well one of your best options and weapons is to educate yourself and your pet doctor. Sometimes print out studies on levels, or let your bloodwork inform him that what he is doing is wrong.

Depending on your age, you´d like to peak 10nmol above and hit your levels for your age as a low. This would keep you in a balanced state, without going into lower levels wich will affect your personal life. Take the 250ml test e shot, make him do bloodwork week 1- week-2 week-3 pre getting on your second shot.

I started with my endo accepting 12weeks intervals of nebido. But i FELT horrible at week 6, blood showed that and we injected week 7.
then 6 and now 5.
But my RBC is crawling up, and he wants to be safe.. Likewise the endoconate esters has built up in my system wich actually leaves min higher levels at week 6-7 then before.

Educate your self, your doc and put up papirs/numbers to justify your concern about your treatment.
just call us

I'd pick the third option:
- Find a doctor that has a clue.

It's obvious this clown doesn't know how half-lives work, and is looking for a payday with the androgel.

I personally am kind of doing option 2 myself in that I take care of everything but the testosterone on my own. I just treat my doc like the script monkey he is, and check in every 6 months.

There isnt any doctor who has a clue about TRT over here, I can guarantee that.
In all honesty this doctor Im seeing now is one of the best I've found (lol yes you are reading it right, other ones were even worse, hard to imagine)
It's not much about the doctor, its about the guidelines they follow in this country and even whole Europe.
We are still ages behind you guys in the US, there's no clue about TRT here, trust me I've met hundred of doctors in my life.
Well one of your best options and weapons is to educate yourself and your pet doctor. Sometimes print out studies on levels, or let your bloodwork inform him that what he is doing is wrong.

Depending on your age, you´d like to peak 10nmol above and hit your levels for your age as a low. This would keep you in a balanced state, without going into lower levels wich will affect your personal life. Take the 250ml test e shot, make him do bloodwork week 1- week-2 week-3 pre getting on your second shot.

I started with my endo accepting 12weeks intervals of nebido. But i FELT horrible at week 6, blood showed that and we injected week 7.
then 6 and now 5.
But my RBC is crawling up, and he wants to be safe.. Likewise the endoconate esters has built up in my system wich actually leaves min higher levels at week 6-7 then before.

Educate your self, your doc and put up papirs/numbers to justify your concern about your treatment.

And I tried already, they just dont consider my opinion since "they are the doctors and Im not".
I told them I feel bad having up and downs, I showed my bloods, I provided studies, nothing changed.
Someone even told me "I dont think you have issues if your Test drops low, probably its just your imagination and thats why you feel bad" ahah sound hilarious I know, this is what I have to deal with in this place.
It's like talking to monkeys, all they know about is Androgel, Testoviron 250/3weeks and nothing else.
This one doctor Im seeing now is the first one I meet who has a clue about Nebid's existence.
And I tried already, they just dont consider my opinion since "they are the doctors and Im not".
I told them I feel bad having up and downs, I showed my bloods, I provided studies, nothing changed.
Someone even told me "I dont think you have issues if your Test drops low, probably its just your imagination and thats why you feel bad" ahah sound hilarious I know, this is what I have to deal with in this place.
It's like talking to monkeys, all they know about is Androgel, Testoviron 250/3weeks and nothing else.
This one doctor Im seeing now is the first one I meet who has a clue about Nebid's existence.

I had similar issues with my multiple doctors here in the U.S. , started with 100 mg. of cyp. every 3 weeks, and when I got the results of my bloodwork,my testosterone had gotten lower! So then he ups my scrip to 200mg. Every week!fortunately, I self inject and have ology as my doc, so I inject 100 mg a week, 50 my every 3.5 days, use the doc for the scrip and blood work, that's all. Thank god for ology!could you self inject approx. 80 mgs. A week? I'm sure you would feel better than 250 every 3 weeks!
I had similar issues with my multiple doctors here in the U.S. , started with 100 mg. of cyp. every 3 weeks, and when I got the results of my bloodwork,my testosterone had gotten lower! So then he ups my scrip to 200mg. Every week!fortunately, I self inject and have ology as my doc, so I inject 100 mg a week, 50 my every 3.5 days, use the doc for the scrip and blood work, that's all. Thank god for ology!could you self inject approx. 80 mgs. A week? I'm sure you would feel better than 250 every 3 weeks!

I can inject as much as I want but the doctor prescribes the bloodwork, so he should know how much and often I inject, but he doesnt agree on the split dose
I can inject as much as I want but the doctor prescribes the bloodwork, so he should know how much and often I inject, but he doesnt agree on the split dose

its your choice and your care! they work for you not you for them, but they forget that... tell him this is my monthly dose and I want to/ am going to split it and if you think it would be negative do some research on helflives and you will see people on HRT have more stable levels with weekly dosing and thats what I would like to try.

also tell him you would like your medicine and will administer it yourself. (he prob push not to because of wanting $ for visits , so give HIM the option of doing it weekly IMO?
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So guys,
I've met my new endo today, told him my protocol (250 test en every 3 weeks) is pretty shit and I dont really feel good about it.
I then asked if we could reduce the dose and inject more frequently, like most of you guys do.
He said doing so would skyrocket my levels to "doping levels" (lol), even if i reduce the injection dosage, so he suggested Androgel.
No fucking way, I've tried gels for months and I almost killed myself out of low T misery.
I have now 2 options:
- try Nebido and pay for its price, and no idea if its gonna work either or how they manage it, probably badly as everything else
- stick to enhantate and do everything on my own (it wont be easy)

What would you do?

Once again, the medical profession do not want you to be healthy. It isn't in their interest, nor the interest of the pharmaceutical companies, nor the pharmacies, the medical schools and the hospitals. Without patients (sick people) the hamster wheel would stop.

What would I do? Exactly what I did. I found a new doctor and presented him with a list of all the blood tests I wanted. At first he argued. One such argument was "why would you want estradiol? Only women produce estrogen". Sorta tells you how much these wankers know. I threatened to go to the very top including the EU court of human rights if he refused to do it.

When I got my results, even this moron looked a little concerned, because my free testosterone was close to zero. He sent me to an even bigger idiot who jokingly called himself an endocrinologist. He agreed that I should be on TRT but refused to treat me because I was too old at 73 and my total testosterone was too high for a man of my age.

I realized that the only answer was to do the research and treat myself. I get my Testosterone from PSL along with my HCG, Arimidex and HGH (I started on their Gray Top) it's cheaper on a pension than the Cp Somatropin that I used earlier.

I've been on self-inflicted TRT now since October 2104, I feel GREAT. I go to gym four times weekly, I can bench 125 kgs, I'm as randy as a rabbit, can't get enough sex. No-one will believe my age. I still have brown hair, way past my shoulders. And I get better every week.

Bottom line - don't expect doctors to trst you if you have hormone problems or as you get older and your natural hormones decline. DO IT YOURSELF! Doctors are only good for the blood work.
its your choice and your care! they work for you not you for them, but they forget that... tell him this is my monthly dose and I want to/ am going to split it and if you think it would be negative do some research on helflives and you will see people on HRT have more stable levels with weekly dosing and thats what I would like to try.

also tell him you would like your medicine and will administer it yourself. (he prob push not to because of wanting $ for visits , so give HIM the option of doing it weekly IMO?

I dont pay anything at all for visits and I've always self injected.
He doesnt want me to inject weekly for some stupid reasons like "its gonna skyrocket your levels and fuck up everything".
Here in the country I live in they still use the medication guideline, 250mg every 3 weeks, nobody will prescribe anything different.