New Guy - 1st Post


Hi everyone,

Firslty I would like to congratulate everyone on contributing to such a well rounded forum. I have been looking for a little while for something just like this place.

Ok here's my first post....

I have been training for 4 months so I am very new, I have already noticed several improvements in my shape. I train really hard with a friend who has good gym experience, and I am focusing on my diet - in my opinion quite well. Or at least I think I am!

However, I can't help feeling that my diet is still not what it should be. Here is a quick overview of what my activities are, and your guys feedback would be really appreciated.

I work 5 routines on each muscle group in 4 sets each / 8 reps per set at 80% of my maximum lift.

Monday - Chest / Arms
Tuesday - Back / Shoulders
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Legs Day!
Friday - Arms
Saturday - Off
Sunday - Off

Now that's my schedule so heres a typical daily diet: -

0800 Orange % Banana
1000 x3 Boiled Egg Whites + Mixed Nuts & Dried Fruit (100g)
1200 x3 Boiled Egg Whites + Tin of Tuna
1400 Tin of Tuna + Kidney Beans
1600 Mixed Nuts & Dried Fruit
1800 1 Chicken Breast & Salad / Green Vegetables.

As you can see today is a rest day so I tend to stay low on carbs. On a training day I would have things like pasta and / or rice pudding instead of the mixed nuts, or I would just include them as well. The tuna is just what im having today, and is varied with chicken breasts or turkey steaks etc.

Ok, im currently 14 stone 12 or at least was last night after a session which is I believe 208lb's. I am six foot tall, and weighed approximately 14 stone 7 which was 203lb's when I first started. My weight is strange as although I have noticed gains and improvements in my shape since I started training, I also have excess fat which makes it difficult to use weight as a guide.

Now im not talking lots of fat, and most when they look at me don't believe I actually weigh what I do, until I hop on the scales. I've stopped using creatine as I didn't like the water retention, and the only supplements I am currently using is L-Glutamine.

My aims are to bulk up in size, but to try to reduce fat content around my waist area, so to this end I have started to include 3 x 100 twists in my arms mop up sessions on Friday.

Ok guys thats me, some guidance would be appreciated as all I get in my gym is "get yourself on the gear that will sort you out!" I always refuse as there are just too may gains to be had naturally, but when your not lining pockets, advice becomes a bit thin on the ground.

Peave out all, and many thanks...

yup alot more protein, and good ass green vegetables to much fruit and some cardio if you want to lose fat..
Thanks guys, I kinda always knew - but sometimes you just need someone with experience to confirm things really. The guys in our gym are very geared up, and some of them have only been training for a few months. It's a sickener to see them growing far quicker than you when your natural, but I prefer it that way.

Ok I will double the protein and monitor it over the next few weeks....

Thanks again guys.
Not a good idea to train shoulders the day after chest. Better the same day or 3 days after. If not you may be overtraining (many muscles are used both days).
walls said:
Monday - Chest / Arms
Tuesday - Back / Shoulders
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Legs Day!
Friday - Arms
Saturday - Off
Sunday - Off

Now that's my schedule so heres a typical daily diet: -

0800 Orange % Banana
1000 x3 Boiled Egg Whites + Mixed Nuts & Dried Fruit (100g)
1200 x3 Boiled Egg Whites + Tin of Tuna
1400 Tin of Tuna + Kidney Beans
1600 Mixed Nuts & Dried Fruit
1800 1 Chicken Breast & Salad / Green Vegetables.

Ok first off your routine. Doing chest and arms together is fine but you don't want to hit shoulders the day after chest and arms b/c your using tris for chest, tri's, and shoulders and you also are doing back the day after arms which isn't good. Biceps are used in back workouts so you're hitting bi's two days in a row also. Possibly overtraining.

Now for the diet. You need a lot more food. Your first meal all you have is 2 pieces of fruit. Thats like what, 100 calories. You need some protein in there. Throw in some oatmeal too and maybe some eggs or cottage cheese or even a protein shake.

Now for your second meal. You have 3 egg whites, thats about 9g of protein. And then some fruit and nuts. I can't imagine that being much more than another 10 or so grams of protein.

Same principal for the rest of your meals too. Hope this helps. Good luck.
walls said:
Monday - Chest / Arms
Tuesday - Back / Shoulders
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Legs Day!
Friday - Arms
Saturday - Off
Sunday - Off

Adding on to what everyone else said: Here's what you can do to change up your workouts

Monday - Chest and Shoulders
Tuesday - Off
Wednsday - Tris
Thursday - Off
Friday - Bis & Back
Saturday - Off
Sunday - Legs

As you can see, you still get your three off days, but now your workouts are more spread out which will help your muscles grow better. I tried to keep Tris on a different day than Chest just to work it a bit more since it's a huge portion of the arm.

There are more variations instead of the one I gave you. Feel free to try it though, it might give you bigger & better results.
you made your first post in the right forum!

As for your diet the first thing I see is not enough protien. Get some more in there with whole foods and also add a shake or 2 in there.
Thanks for all the input guys really appreciated...

I have changed my routine to the following based on your advice.

Monday - Chest & Arms
Tuesday - Off
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - Back & Shoulders
Friday - Mop up session on arms
Saturday - Off
Sunday - Off

My gym dont open on Sundays so this seems to be best...

Diet wise - I've increased the protein intake including Cod Steaks etc - I still feel as though I have a way to go to get my protein levels up to an acceptable amount though. Gonna go and buy some more whey protein today as I have ran out, and stick 2/3 of them a day into my intake.

I've noticed I've stopped aching on top half over the last couple of weeks too, so the change around which started on Monday this week might help. On legs day I usually do leg press, front leg press, quads, hams, and calves. Gonna start on squats and compounds today, as my legs are getting to the point of no more aches too.