New guy at 22


New member
hey guys, well my name is preston im 22 years old and i have been a wrestler all my life. I havent been a crazy weight lifter but i have lifted on and off since i was about 14, but again it was nothing crazy. i was always a cardio and plyometrice freak. My dad never wanted me to lift much at all but dips, pushups, anything with lifting the body without weight was a must. So here i am now after college. i wrestled 157 pounds in college. Im now 5'8 186 lbs. not sure my body percdentage in fat yet. but ill let ya know. i have been reading about steroids for a while but not really sure there for me yet. i have a couple friends on them and there telling me that i will absolutly blow up if i did a cycle. I figured i better read up and learn as much as possible before i think about doing it. well heres me at 22 so far let me know what i should do guys. thanks so much!

this is my most recent its dark and i apologise im 186 here

this is me now at 185

this is me at 160

this is me at 167
Welcome........plenty of knowledge here so read, ask questions and learn.

You have a good base to work with......

im glad you decided to research before just jumping into a cycle. i think you should spend some time getting used to lifting consistently and heavy and work on eating to grow. once you are comfortable in the lifting/eating areas and have hit your natural potential, you would be in fine shape to start a cycle.
Test e 500mg a week for 12 weeks..thats it.. you will blow up. "I havent been a crazy weight lifter but i have lifted on and off since i was about 14, but again it was nothing crazy." If this still applies, dont do the cycle until you BECOME a "crazy" weight lifter lol.
im glad you decided to research before just jumping into a cycle. i think you should spend some time getting used to lifting consistently and heavy and work on eating to grow. once you are comfortable in the lifting/eating areas and have hit your natural potential, you would be in fine shape to start a cycle.

cosigns. And thank you for not being like every other retarded 22 year old on this board who wants to do a first cycle and doesn't wanna learn.

I for one think you have a great base and know you could get over 200lbs naturally with the right training. four rules to help.


Follow these, don't overtrain, keep your form solid and your diet even moreso and you will succeed.

Damn, why can't every young guy post like this.

oh yeah, here's a great workout to get you started being a 'crazy lifter'. Won't seem like much, but it will make you trong and big with the right diet. Good luck.