New guy here looking for advice


New member
After consulting my primary and close friends who are going through it, I'm 5 weeks in to a 10 week cycle. I have a script for test cyp and my wife is a nurse so home injections are not an issue. I'm already starting to see results and so is my wife. I'm currently injecting 400mL/week. For the rest of this cycle I will be going to the gym twice a day for 3 or 4 days/wk and once a day for the rest of the week. with one week down I'm feeling real good. Any advice from the community would be really appreciated. I will be visiting my endocrinologist at the end of the month and in all likelihood I will be getting a script for Clomid.
Make sure you take a day off to rest each week.

what aromatase inhibitor are you using?

What do you plan on running for PCT?

Did you get pre-cycle blood work? Are you getting mid and post cycle blood work?
Make sure you take a day off to rest each week.

what aromatase inhibitor are you using?

What do you plan on running for PCT?

Did you get pre-cycle blood work? Are you getting mid and post cycle blood work?

I got pre cycle blood work done by my primary. Mid cycle to come soon when I see my Endo. He will probably be giving me a script for Clomid. I'm not currently taking an ai. I figured Clomid for post cycle. An I wrong?
400mg per week... I can pretty much guarantee that your estradiol is too high. Arimidex and Aromasin are both good choices for an AI.

You need Clomid and Nolva for PCT. You really should not have started a cycle without having everything you need in hand.

Are you using hCG while on cycle?
unfortunately for me I get impatient. One friend has been on trt like me for some time. he increased his prescribed dose and had results. Another friend did his first cycle on just test and took an ai when needed. I will be seeing my endo soon I will bring some questions and concerns to his attention. My primary seems to be in line with my thinking and research. See my prescription is 1.5mL/2wks. I have legit low T, it runs in the family. I fought taking my injections for the longest time, I don't like needles. Once I started taking my prescription I began to notice results at the gym, I read a little more, talked to a few more people, made an appt with my doc and said screw it. I know that other things need to go along with test for a proper cycle, max results with the best health. My other issue is money, my wife and I just bought a new house and we are saving money. And of course when I need them the side jobs have dried up this year.
Tighten up that diet hogan... 3j's the man for that.
Believe me, I got my diet right a month before starting all this. I was lifting at a lot the same time as getting my diet right. I don't pay attention to the scale as much as the mirror. I had some before pics my wife took, my phone took a shit and I lost them. I've got some comp body builders at my gym and I've followed their advice on diet. Pls my morning routine is a cross fit circuit, afternoon is lifting.
On the body fat, i reccomend a Dexa scan.... Runs about $100 or less, takes 15 minutes and very accurate. I thought I knew my bf and was surprised I was off by7%.... I had underestimated. A second option is a body fat by water immersion, its about $50 and there are mobile units making rounds to gyms and crossift boxes. Not quite as accurate but still very and way better than calipers or guesstimates. Sucks to sit in that cold water tank for 20 minutes but hey....the price we pay for accurate data.....good luck hogan.