New guy needing help on choosing a stack


New member
Hey guys I'm currently super cutting. Trying to knock off some fat and muscle.. But I wanna keep my strength or even get stronger so if anyone can tell me a good stack that will give me awesome strength gains and minimum size gains.

Age: 19 (I know to young to be taking gear)

Height: 5'6

Weight: 195

Bf: 18-19% (rough guesstimate)

History on past cycles: was a huge fan of mdrol back in the day. I have taken plenty of other phs and only one steroid cycle of cyp/deca (buddy got it for me did even know what they were back then lol.. If anyone can help that would be nice!
Your gonna get ripped into for being so young man especially of you've already done a cycle, that's a pretty high fat percentage man I'd just concentrate on cleaning up your diet for starters and make sure your on a calorie deficit and drop down to around 14% then start looking at something to help, also it's pretty much impossible to gain strength and cut fat at the Same time, if I were you I'd try cut down to around 12% then do a lean bulk from there just keep an eyeing your lbm to make sure your not losing too much muscle compared to fat and water, that's my 2 cents take it as you want!
It might just be your workout routine? You should try some type of football/ track running fundamentals. Power cleans and sprints. Squats and box jumps. HIIT workouts really will burn the fat off while keeping you strong as your not doing 5 miles of jogging per say. Hope everything works out for you!!
I have a routine thats been working and I would take the cycle after I'm done cutting to gain some strength back but I don't want to put on any size. So pretty much what you said haha sorry should of stated that up top. Also I don't want to get to low of a body fat percentage because of my torn bicep that looks messed up will show more. I am on a 1500-1700 calorie diet that's pretty clean and doing strength training. I was jogging a few miles everyday but I guess I should look into HIIT. And I have currently lost 30 pounds already.
Way too young bro. Trust us man. WAIT!!! Go to the diet forum get with some of 3J's threads and get that squared away and give that 6 months and then you will see with your natty test levels and a solid diet you will have great gains. If after 6 months you haven't improved physique, size, strength, etc... then consider it, even though you are still too young. :)
Here's what kills me about this never ending cycle of young guys looking for advice: It's the fucking internet and it's discussion about a potential class III don't have to post your real age you dumb fucks. Mostly, these kids have a source or an idea for a source, so there is no stopping them, but they are so lazy they refuse to read the stickies and peruse the forums with the search function to find their answers. If you see eleventy billion posts with other teenagers getting smoked for being overly eager to supplement their already high natural test, why would you post another one?
but they are so lazy they refuse to read the stickies and peruse the forums with the search function to find their answers. If you see eleventy billion posts with other teenagers getting smoked for being overly eager to supplement their already high natural test, why would you post another one?

So true. Not just kids though. Older guys join ask a Q and go into the abyss when they don't like the answer they're given even though a quick forum search would've showed them prior to their post that they wouldn't like the answer.
My bad bro..

Chalk it up as ignorance not stupidity. You're new to the forum, maybe you don't understand how it works completely. Welcome to ology bro. Stick around and learn and hold off on the cycle for now. You can learn more than you will ever retain in here.

No worries bud. If you have any questions or need any help with anything feel free to pm me. *** not for a source lol*** but if you need any guidance or anything.

TBH from you probably really need a good solid diet setup. form your BF% I'm guessing your diet is not too solid, not calling you fat, just if it was you'd be closer to 15%.. I stay around 16%-18% but I don't mind a little extra unless I'm cutting down.
Lol yeah... I asked a similar question and got completely blasted for it. Live and let learn. Been reading for a few days now and waceyf is right... "You could learn more then you will ever retain in here"
Haha my problem is sticking to it but I'm getting the hang of it I started a few months ago still got lots to learn
Haha my problem is sticking to it but I'm getting the hang of it I started a few months ago still got lots to learn

Check out the diet forum, get your diet in check, you'll still cheat because you aren't 100% commited to it, it happens. Figure out the workouts you want to do for what your goals are. Give those time to work, get a vitamin regimen going (Search Austinite's favorite supplement thread) and maybe get the creatine going.

Keep reading here, give it time, and before you know it, you'll be ready (and educated) to hit the AAS and break through the plateaus you've reached.

This shit is a lifestyle,not an 8-10 week quick fix with drugs. AAS are magical (not magic) when used properly, but without the proper base, you'll be disappointed, out some cash and probably hormonally jacked for a while.

Figure out how to get right little brother.
Heres an! Get a good diet, train for 2hrs in.the morning on an empty stomach, lower carbs each day, dont eat.many carbs past 3pm.. Do cardio before bed as well then.casein.before.sleep, intake.water to 1.5 gallons.a day, and.stay motivated.. Switch all ur meals to egg whites, sweet patattos, whole oats!, greens, chicken, broccoli, almonds!..
Alright alright I'm done stop talking to me like I'm a noob. I asked a stupid question my bad but it doesn't mean I don't know my shit. I joined here to learn more about steroids and get advice on them not to get talked down too