New guy needing help on choosing a stack

Alright alright I'm done stop talking to me like I'm a noob. I asked a stupid question my bad but it doesn't mean I don't know my shit. I joined here to learn more about steroids and get advice on them not to get talked down too

I am sorry bro, but you don't know at all what you are doing, if you did then you wouldn't have done so many prohormones and a cycle already.
Alright alright I'm done stop talking to me like I'm a noob. I asked a stupid question my bad but it doesn't mean I don't know my shit. I joined here to learn more about steroids and get advice on them not to get talked down too

I feel like if you knew your shit you wouldn't have the physique of a tuna can.
Alright alright I'm done stop talking to me like I'm a noob. I asked a stupid question my bad but it doesn't mean I don't know my shit. I joined here to learn more about steroids and get advice on them not to get talked down too

Learn to read between the lines. Check out KingBeastMode's pics, dude knows wtf he is doing. You want to look like him, listen to what he's putting down.
Ehh some ppl just dont take.well to.criticism i.understand i wad there at one point ask questionsget.mad when i didnt hear what i.liked.. And.u.k.ow what i didnt get far that way.. damn nuts deopped.i.listened to every freaking word somebody said.. Listen to multiple.ppl.. a npc bodybuilder.. A fitneaa model.. Working on commercial gigs in.the summer.. Got a magazine booking for april.. And plan on gettig a procard this year.. Supplement company is in the works with And im a personal trainer with atleast a minimum of 9 clients a day!!..

And as much as i know now.and do i still freaking listen to.ppl.. I still have ppl diet and posing routinea.. I still ppl.. Bcz in.this world u never stop learning no matter what the situation is.. ever knows it.all...u want to ask advice then take what is dished Or dont ask at all.. N just read up on other ppls questions.. U have lots.of.k owledgable.members here including me.. Ppl say im like a gold mine of info on this site and.all i do is look out for other bcz i didnt get that help til later my life and greatly.appreciated the help.i got and feel it to help everyone else out.. I can help u a bodybuilder and reg joe.. A marine what ever bcz.i was all of.them at one point.. Help u work.up for a sport.. Gain.weight lose weight.. Only thing i cant.make u up
There are certain vets myself included that won't even give u advice now since yoh acted like such a ignorant asshole when people did try to help you
If I was you,I wouldn't argue with a guy that look like a hulk! Be happy that people here are trying to help, they could just tell you a really fuck up stack and get yourself fuckup for the rest of your life. if you follow at least 50% of what they are telling you, you will drop that bf to at least 15% lower.
Well Idk shit either so I have no room to talk.
One thing I learned was that uo don't have to worry about a guy at your gym or someone else that look big and ripped...
Do you and work out for you. Bc you like and be you want to look better
Be committed to it and I promise you.. You will get great results from it..
Good luck bud
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Sorry that nobody here will help you out I would suggest you just run a easy cycle of test e or test c at 500 mg for 12 weeks split your testosterone into a shot Mondays and Thursdays and throw in some winstrol at 50 mg every other day for the last 6 weeks of your cycle and take arimidex through the whole 12 weeks your cycling at .50 mg every other day then take 2 weeks off to let the testosterone start to leave your system than follow this for pct take nolvadex at 40 mg per week for 2 weeks then at 20 mg for 2 weeks then take some time off to recover hope I helped you
Sorry that nobody here will help you out

Several of us DID help him out. We told him not to run AAS at 19!! You however, did not help him by advising a teenager to run AAS. HE is too young and will not benefit from AAS. IF he's smart he will ignore you post for another 6 years. I'm not knocking the cycle you suggested as it is fair, minus the Winny IMO, but suggesting AAS to a teen is a big NO-NO.