New here, Androgel no more, doc prescribes just injectable (Cypionate).

3rd pin today with new 25ga x 1" in deltoid, no issues at all. Supplies arrived the other day and I didn't notice the order was for 100 25ga x 1" slip tip. Also have 20ga to draw up in slip tip. Thought for sure I ordered the luer lock. Oh well....

I also notice a dull ache in my testes. Hope all is well down there!
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3rd pin today with new 25ga x 1" in deltoid, no issues at all. Supplies arrived the other day and I didn't notice the order was for 100 25ga x 1" slip tip. Also have 20ga to draw up in slip tip. Thought for sure I ordered the luer lock. Oh well....

I also notice a dull ache in my testes. Hope all is well down there!

The dull ache is them shutting down and starting to atrophy most likely. HCG can help with this, but it doesn't last very long.
I remember getting that dull ache too when I started TRT. :-(

It did go away quickly though. I wish I had been on hCG when I started TRT.
Every time I start a new cycle I get that dull ache right after my first 1-2 injections. With my boners and that I know right away if the gear is real.

By the way I got that ache the very first time for me back in 80' and most always if I have been clean (of any gear) for a few months or more.
Good Luck
Just a brief update. Been pinning ever 3.5 days alternating between L&R deltoid, no bid deal at all. .25ml each time for a total of 100mg/wk and ultimately the docs goal of 200mg every 2 weeks.

I feel better, no major body changes due to lack of exercise. Sex drive is literally like I am a teenager again which is just incredible. Maybe a slight bit of testicular atrophy but it could be because I am trying to notice if there are any changes down there. To be a bit graphic, I think semen/ejaculate volume might be a little less and definitely thicker. If there are suggestions on how to increase volume and add a little fluid to it that would be great. I also tried the RUI liquid C and not really sure I noticed anything at all. Tried 5mg daily and in about 4-5 days had pretty bad lower back and hamstring pain. Is it related-who knows. I stopped the 5mg daily about 3 weeks ago. Also tried 10mg the other day and again didn't notice anything different, except a major headache the next day.

Think it's time to have blood work within the next 2 weeks to get an idea of what my numbers are. If this is as good as it gets I'm a happy camper. If the numbers can be improved upon and I could feel even better that would be absolutely amazing.

Thanks again for all the help and advice.