New here =]


New member
Hi, i am new here, jusselin recommended that i came here to check things out, maybe get some tips to help achieve my overall goals.

Currently i am 150-151 @ 5'4", my goal would be to become more lean, but gain more muscle mass. Ideally id like to reach 165-70lbs.

My biggest problem is that i don't cook and have really bad eating habits =[.

Right now i am using just the bowflex xtreme se2, but i have the 1090 select tech dumbbells coming in, also the sole f63 treadmill for cardio. My cardio is almost non existent . i workout 4 days on 1 day off, but just switch between chest/bi/tri/core for day 1 and lower/back day 2

my supplements consist of
animal pak, jack3d, endoburn, syntha-6, cellmass.
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Hey Toan, glad you joined the forum..give it some time and you will see everyone here is amazing and have so much information and knowledge to offer!

Welcome brother!
Im on a 24hr shift give me about 16 hrs ill help u out. Yo J show him where my sticky is and have him read the first post
did you read the thread i posted...or at least the first post of 3J's? he will be on in the next day or so but i think he wanted you to get familiar with the things he will be talking to you about.

what is your diet like right now toan?
did you read the thread i posted...or at least the first post of 3J's? he will be on in the next day or so but i think he wanted you to get familiar with the things he will be talking to you about.

what is your diet like right now toan?

yep i read through some of it, trying to understand it actually xD

my diet right now
meal 1
protein shake
turkey sandwich or sausage mcmuffin

meal 2
usually fast food also
3 spicy chicken nugget pks and a chicken sandwich or 2 hot and spicy chicken sandwichs

meal 3
protein shake
rice and unhealthy cuts of meat/pork/chicken, sometimes the pork looks like 80% fat >.>

lol its really atrocious
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yep i read through some of it, trying to understand it actually xD

my diet right now
meal 1
protein shake
turkey sandwich or sausage mcmuffin

meal 2
usually fast food also
3 spicy chicken nugget pks and a chicken sandwich or 2 hot and spicy chicken sandwichs

meal 3
protein shake
rice and unhealthy cuts of meat/pork/chicken, sometimes the pork looks like 80% fat >.>

lol its really atrocious
Current state:

well the diet isn't looking so good.. though ur not looking bad..

14-15% bf...

do your calculations for your bmr/tdee..

then take what u just wrote up here and put it into
well the diet isn't looking so good.. though ur not looking bad..

14-15% bf...

do your calculations for your bmr/tdee..

then take what u just wrote up here and put it into

yea the diet is pretty terrible, just bad habits + eating till full instead of just small portions

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