New member. Hello my Iron Brothers


New member
Hello my Iron brothers.
I'm almost 20 years-old (15 more days).

I joined this forum to learn more about gear. I am still deciding if I will do it or not. I know I'll continue to build my base as a natural for 2/3 years and then decide if I go on juice or not. I haven't made a decision yet.

My goal is physique, after realizing that every damn fitness model with a body that stands out and looks photo-shopped juices, I am now starting to think about it being a good idea.

I've been training for 5 years now. The first 2 years I didn't know what I was doing so I didn't change a lot.
When I started 5 years ago I weighted 54kg (119 pounds) 7%-8%bf and I am currently weighting 63kg (139pounds) 12%-13% bf.

I've always ate a lot of calories per day but my metabolism is freaking crazy. I've always eaten +2800kcal per day.
For the last month and a half I've been bulking with 3000kcal a day and gained almost no weight at all. Last 4 days bumped my calories to 3300kcal per day. And yes I make sure I am counting (myfitnesspal) and still it is difficult for me to gain mass.

I've done all kinds of training programs, from splits to PPL and upper lower.

What has been working for me is Fullbody workouts high volume every other day (no powerlifting type training, bb high volume).
I am currently doing it and I have done it in the past with the best results.
Progressive overload is going good and I am having good gains.

I've never done gear or spoke to someone who did, because of this I know nothing about cycles and stuff.

Still a bit worried about the side effects so I want to really inform myself before I jump into this thing (if I do jump).
Specially because in the past between 15y-18y I had really severe acne (needed acutane for 6 months) and now is way better. I still have a little bit but it's not that bad.
I am worried that gear would bring the acne back. And worried about others things too.

I'll post some pictures of me as well for you too see my physique. And yeah I know my chest is lagging.

I thank you in advance for putting so much information in this forum!
Where should I start reading?

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Look up 3j. He will set u up in the diet and training department. He got a results thread any many many happy clients.