New member, pre cycle photo, bf% guess please.


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5'9" 174 pounds. Planning on running 10 weeks of Test E. Just wanted to know what everyone thinks my bf% is. Thanks.
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5'9" 174 pounds. Planning on running 10 weeks of Test E. Just wanted to know what everyone thinks my bf% is. Thanks.

My best guess would be 12-14% seeing as your abs are starting to come in. I'm not the best at this so I may be wrong but nice build to work off!
By the way, a little more about myself.
4000 kcals on lifting days 550 carbs, 260 protein, 85 fat.
3500 kcald on rest days 480 carbs, 260 protein, 85 fat, all from whole food except for intra/post workout whey/dextrose shake.
fat is eaten last two meals of day only, I train in the AM.
PR'S - 295 bench, 425 dead, 335x3 back squat, bodyweight bench pressx19
Training: day 1-chest/bi's
day 2 -on legs
Day 3-off
Day 4-shoulders
Day 5-back/tri's
Day 6 off
Day 7 -start over
all workouts start with a 5x5 of that day's core lift (bench, dead or squat, press)
Followed by hypertrophy volume work.
looking to do a 10 week Test E only cycle to put some quality weight on. I've tried eating everything in sight but just get fat, I'm 26, time to get nuts :)
Critique on diet/training/anything appreciated. Thanks guys.
Agree with doc that you're around 12-14% bf. I'd up that to 12 weeks on the test and do some serious reading about AI's and post cycle therapy (pct) before you start. I think you have a solid base that could grow a little more naturally, but you sound like you're ready to put in the effort so enjoy the ride imo. ;)

My .02c :)
So 12 weeks test E.
Week 1-12 Test E 500mg (250x2/week)
Week 8-14 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 1000iu/week
week 14-18 clomid (50,50,25,25)
Week 14-18 nolva (40,40,20,20)
Week 1-12 arimadex (.5mg EOD)
Will be upping my calories by 100 every 2 weeks.
Time to get freaking swole.