new member


New member
Hey guys. I'm new to the board. I've been lifting for about 6 weeks now and just wanted to post some pics of myself. I am starting on a strict diet and cardio routine so I'll keep you posted on the progress. Any advice is well received.
post some stats like height and weight...You look huge but are obviously carrying high body fat but there looks as though you have a solid base under there
Welcome and thanks for sharing. Good luck with the progress, I'm sure you'll get great results
welcome biggie, glad to have you aboard. If you can ever soo kindly make your way to the convo lounge it would be greatly appreciated. I believe some of the boyz want to ask you a couple of things

AngryMuscles said:
it's alright to be big
it's alright to be fat
it's alright to be extra fat

as long as you're going to do something about it

Wow man, thats the most inspirational thing I've ever read!! This will be my new sig once I get over GoldsGymDamon
I'm 26yrs old, 6'0" tall, 295lbs. 19" biceps That's about all I have for you now. I'll have to take some more measurements and get back with you.
AngryMuscles said:
it's alright to be big

it's alright to be fat

it's alright to be extra fat

as long as you're going to do something about it

well said

Welcome Bigshow
Dont worry mate you will get what you want. I use to be overweight i just stuck to it kept eating right traning hard and i got my results. it will happen for you Good Luck
so yah guys this guy is looking pretty good base. i agree with the doing something about being fat comment. what does your workout routine look like? do you have a specific diet? on your next update of pics can u please post pics with better lighting. now, you are 26. you know what time it is. yup, that's right, it's gear time. have you invested into a good premium gear stack? because i would. (and have) but i definitely would in your case. i'm talking deca, test, and Winstrol (winny). combined. don't be afraid to mix and match in those situations. good luck brother and always fight the good fight my son.
Currently there is no specific diet in place. I try to stay away from the junk food, fast food, sweets and soda but I'm not always successful. My workouts were broke down according to body parts but I just went to an Upper Body/Lower Body workout. I alternate days and throw in 45 min. of cardio after the weights. Any suggestions? I'm all ears!