New need some help


New member
Hello Everyone, im starting out new on the diet and training program. im 21 yrs old, 6'1 ft tall, 255 Ibs, about 30% fat...., yes i know im classified as an obese. im looking to drop to 210 Ibs. So i need some help and tips for a very good diet, workout routine, cardio etc.

Now after i achieve my goal im going to start my first new cycle, im gonna do Anavar (Geneza Pharmaceuticals) and testosterone Enanthate (Aburaihan)

Doing anavar 80mg ED and test 500mg (250mg x2 per week) EW for a 12 week duration on both.

I really need to drop that fat guys and start a new healthy lifestyle, so any help/replies would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
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Have you snoosed on your keybord when you were wrtting your loggin name?

basicly, if you take major part of proteine after workout, and your carb before it will lean you easily yet.

cut your meals in 4 or 5 meals in the day, and add 3 time per week cardio. it help a lot.

actualy, i make 8 little meals ( low Kcal, not fat) per day. include one in the middle of the night, but no fat at all for this one.

i run my meals based on worldwide food. chenese, thai, italian and french foods.

more the foods are diversified, and less you have deficiency in mineral, and vitamine.

example, minearl iron for frenchie food is more from flesh than vegetable, for thai, is inverse, it comes more from vegetable than flesh.

thai and chinese have a lot of vegetable in a big variety... i have found that easyer to diet, but in thruth, it's a bit expensiv...
I was thinking of doing cardio 5 times a week monday to friday. and weights on mon, wed, and fri. and prefer doing it in morning like around 10:00. but do i do cardio before or after weight workout??. and 1 more thing can u provide me with a good weight workout routine if u dnt mind that would be very helpful, like i said im new to the diet and training program.
oh yea what do you think about the cycle is it good for starters, if u know a better cycle post it up please, money is no problem i dnt mind spending a $1000+ on gear.
I was thinking of doing cardio 5 times a week monday to friday. and weights on mon, wed, and fri. and prefer doing it in morning like around 10:00. but do i do cardio before or after weight workout??. and 1 more thing can u provide me with a good weight workout routine if u dnt mind that would be very helpful, like i said im new to the diet and training program.

Do your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach if possible. If not do it post workout.

If your doing it on an empty stomach your going to want to keep your heartrate under 130ish. I normally do 1 hour at 4.3mph at 15 degree incline. You'll need to find your sweet spot though, when i first started doing cardio i would be at 130bpm at 3.5 now i can do 4.5mph and still stay around 130
how much calories do i need to burn???? people say burn more calories then consuming i dont see that is possible. what if i intake 2000 calories a day how much do i need to burn then....??
how much calories do i need to burn???? people say burn more calories then consuming i dont see that is possible. what if i intake 2000 calories a day how much do i need to burn then....??

Your going to want to eat more than 2000 cals a day. Go to 3J's sticky thread and read first post. Get your BMR/TDEE, study his sample diets, they will give you a good feel for the types of foods you should be eating.
you have to drink much water everyday and use honey with water do not eat high calories food and do normal exercise

health savings account minnesota
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