new pics at 236lbs


Made me chuckle! Slair just have to say you look great in your avi.

thanks, always feels good to hear words of encouragement. Haven't checked your thread in a while, but last i saw you had made some serious progress, how you makin out now?
thanks, always feels good to hear words of encouragement. Haven't checked your thread in a while, but last i saw you had made some serious progress, how you makin out now?

I've made some progress, still feel like my booty could be downsized, and more overall tightness. But I'll give it more time. :)
Damn bro. Looks huge. Got veins on your lats. I've actually got near the same muscle structure as you as far as traps and most of your body(smaller than you of course). Of course I'm def not as vascular either. Lookin good tho! I'm guessing you compete?
Damn bro. Looks huge. Got veins on your lats. I've actually got near the same muscle structure as you as far as traps and most of your body(smaller than you of course). Of course I'm def not as vascular either. Lookin good tho! I'm guessing you compete?

Thnx!No never competed.Im 25 yo in 1 month and i wanna compete this year for the first time.The competition is in october.Im not preety sure though if to compete or not...
You have pretty weird proportions bro, and some bad acne sides, maybe you should just take a chill from your dreams of being a pro bodybuilder. Just my $0.02.
Whats going on under the t shirt bro? Are you hiding something. I know when i was young and had some mass nobody never saw my stomach lol!!!
looking thick and strong your stomach looks cut also. One question, have you tore your right pec in the past something dosent line up?
looking thick and strong your stomach looks cut also. One question, have you tore your right pec in the past something dosent line up?

yeah men!I fu**ing tore that shit pretty badly.Rupture of the pectoral major +70%.But not from training,i had a motorbike accident.Didn't do surgery just intense physical therapy and took a few months off.That was more then 2 years ago.I was very very weak at the begining...and i said to myself that the day im gonna do dips i would be happy.Well that day has passed.It has become pretty strong right now but still not as the other arm.For example i must take a 5kg less then the other arm dumbell when i train chest or shoulders to complete the exact same reps.Not much different on the barbells though.