New to all of this, suggestions? T or HGH, 25 years old


New member
Hey there guys, new to the forum and steroids in general. I'm 25 years old, 5 foot 11, 160 pounds. I'm slowly balding, and I'm pretty ripped but I have a somewhat small frame. I've worked at GNC when I was younger for some time, I'd say I have a decent understanding of supplements, but definitely not steroids. So my goals are to get to near 200 lbs, and maybe even add some thickness to my frame/add some height. So I am thinking HGH, but I'm interested in T as well. Also does HGH effect hairloss? I'm pretty certain Testosterone would. (I'm on propecia, anyway it's not the biggest deal, just wondering).

I don't want to waste anyone's time, and I appreciate the help, so if anyone could link me to any guide's or anything (common threads on this forum I should read, sites to buy from, what to look for, etc). Please let me know!
Not one mention of food OP....

Training, AAS and supplements all play second fiddle to whatever nutrition plan you are on...

I politely suggest that you fill that (as you say) small frame out, via a well thought out and structured nutritional program, before even contemplating diving any further into AAS or HGH.

After all, you have natures testosterone and growth hormone flowing bountifully through your veins as we speak - but you clearly do not have a diet plan.

If you have worked in GNC - you should know that the word 'supplement' means 'on top of'.

Let's say you should be aiming for 2500 kcals a day intake. You might get 2200 kcals from food. Then you 'supplement' the 300 kcals you haven't got from food.


Until all of these basic fundamental issues are dialed in - you are naïve thinking the answer lies in a syringe.
Good point. I don't even use supplements. Well nac for liver support but that's about it. Most are a waist of money. I know its 2015, but some like to stray away from the basics: food, training and sleep. If you can't get that sorted out, gear isn't going to help. I don't know how many times I hear people say my gear is fake. I'm not making gains. Well, if your diet, training and sleep are dialed you should be making gains with or without gear...
Not one mention of food OP....

Training, AAS and supplements all play second fiddle to whatever nutrition plan you are on...

I politely suggest that you fill that (as you say) small frame out, via a well thought out and structured nutritional program, before even contemplating diving any further into AAS or HGH.

After all, you have natures testosterone and growth hormone flowing bountifully through your veins as we speak - but you clearly do not have a diet plan.

If you have worked in GNC - you should know that the word 'supplement' means 'on top of'.

Let's say you should be aiming for 2500 kcals a day intake. You might get 2200 kcals from food. Then you 'supplement' the 300 kcals you haven't got from food.


Until all of these basic fundamental issues are dialed in - you are naïve thinking the answer lies in a syringe.

ben is on point..

the most anabolic thing in the world is food...

you want to hop on cycle, but you havn't proven you can gain lbm without it.. at 5'11 you should be closer to 200lbs natty to be honest...

so your diet is whats in question.. youre old enough but not developed enough..

running a cycle and having a poor nutriiton plan on cycle, in pct, and after pct will only leave you where you started full circle.. why would you do that to yourself??

have you considered hiring a professional to set up your diet for you??

if so check me out
3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level. or email me at

if finances are an issue, i also have a free diet advice thread in the diet section.. read post 1, follow instructions, and post up your diet for a free critique..

80% of your progress is determined by your diet..

i hope you dont take this post as bashing.. its more like constructive criticism

good luck my friend!!