New to Chemical Forum


New member
Hey guys, been posting on this board for a while now, first time in this forum. To make things short im done buying tren at full price and am going to adventure on to making my own. I won't mention how much but I spit out way too much on tren last cycle. I read up for a little while before posting and it does not seem to complicated. I dont think i'll be too much a pain in the ass.... The only question I have for now is , If I buy a kit, that will include everything I need correct? besides the powder or pellets of course.
welcome to the chem. forum!!

bro if you plan to do this a few more times, once you do it you get hooked bec. its so cheap and so easy, then I would sudgest you just that you don't buy the kit and buy all the stuff in the kit seperately. Its much much cheaper in the long run. Check out the links thread at the top its one of the stickies.

joltan said:
Hey guys, been posting on this board for a while now, first time in this forum. To make things short im done buying tren at full price and am going to adventure on to making my own. I won't mention how much but I spit out way too much on tren last cycle. I read up for a little while before posting and it does not seem to complicated. I dont think i'll be too much a pain in the ass.... The only question I have for now is , If I buy a kit, that will include everything I need correct? besides the powder or pellets of course.