new to peptides and need some help...


Out of limbo
I just started a prop/dbol/ace cycle sat. Running dbol for 6 weeks then throwing in ace for 14 wks. I picked up some ghrp-6 strictly for the hunger sides as I tend to stall out in weight towards then end of cycles. Been reading into ghrp-6 some more. And I've decided I want to run it daily along with mod grf. Before I order more ghrp 6 and mod grf I need to get my doses down so I can figure out how much to pick up. I believe I saw user post about 100mvg? 3x's a day. Just wondering how that breaks down into units. I'm used to mg's and cc's lol how much bac water do I mix into 5mg of ghrp 6 an mod grf and also how much do I shoot 3x's a day? I know morning, pwo and before bed just don't know the dose. Sorry if I sound like a dumbass newb but when it comes to peptides... I am :) thanks!
Check out the sticky at the top of this section labeled "peptide calculator". I use 2.5ml of BAC for 5mg vials, and 1ml for 2mg vials. That gives you 100mcg's per 5 iu's. Keeps it nice and simple.

GHRP-6 - 200mcg's 3x per day is ideal for LBM gains...100mcg's 3x per day is good for anti aging, weight loss, increase in quality of sleep. So it depends on what your goals are.

Mod GRF - 100mcg's 3x per day
go 200mcg-300mcg on the GHRP 6. 100 is good, but pinin 3x ED i wana a bigger pulse.

Add some huperzine a, 200mcg of it, take it 3x ED with your tide pins.
ive been wanting to run a mod grf and ghrp 6 stack also. im leaning more to the fat loss effects right now im about 195-200 id like to be about 180. my question is how much would i need to run 300mcgs of each a day for how long i know 6months is the ideal hgh length but is it the same idea for peptides.
ive been wanting to run a mod grf and ghrp 6 stack also. im leaning more to the fat loss effects right now im about 195-200 id like to be about 180. my question is how much would i need to run 300mcgs of each a day for how long i know 6months is the ideal hgh length but is it the same idea for peptides.

Yeah brother.. the longer the better with those peptides. I would start at 100mcg's of each 3x per day. Early am, pwo, prior to bed. For accelerated fat loss try doing some fasted cardio with your morning administration.
Pittsburgh63 once again u don't no much about this stuff stop giving out false info everyone nos not to use before bedtime as it stops the body's own natural hgh look it up
You have no idea what you are talking about.. these peptides stimulate your body to release it's own natural HGH.. so there is nothing being shut down. You are a slimey spamming piece of crap. I'm not going to warn you again.