New To Steroids Questions


New member
Hi I am new to steroids and and I have done some research on the subject. I am 24 years old and I weigh about 162 lbs. and I am 5'10" tall. I have made a goal for myself to reach about 180 lbs. and eventually become shredded. I want to give myself at least 90 days to reach 180 (and longer to cut up), with eating right, and training 5 days a week, lifting heavy, and running at least 4 day a week (high intensity 16 min sessions). I've read that certain steroids can help a person maintain muscle mass while cutting. I also have read that some steroids gains will not give you earth shattering gains but consistent steady lean mass gains. I am also really adverse to needles so I will be trying if anything pills. After reading about the side effects and looking at my what my goals are, I found that Primobol, Anavar, and Stanozol (low risk of side effects yet small consistent gains) all seem to be inline with what I want to accomplish. Would anybody have any recommendations or evaluations of these drugs or combination thereof given my goals? Also currently I plan to supplement for a while with Cellmass, Body Octane, NO2, and Isopure Protein, and BCAA's. I've been working out at home with bench and tread mill, dumbells, etc. for about 3 months to ease my body back into serious training, will start going to a gym and lifting heavy within next week or two.

Would steroids be worth it considering this current stack, or no? Should I use a combination of these or other steroids with my current stack. I'm just looking for someone with experience actually take these or other drugs and their honest opinion about my situtation and goals. Is my natural stack just fine I just don't know, but I have this obsession with getting where I want to be, I have been pretty small all my life, and now I'm just fed up with it.
At your height you don't need steroids to reach 180lbs. Also, if your scared of needles then don't cycle, as oral only cycles are less than ideal. If you have other reasons for not using injectables, then that's different.

I would stay away from steroids until you at least get closer to your genetic potential.