New to test And needing serious advice


New member
Hey guys I 44 years old and in pretty good shape. I have younger friends cycling so I decided to try it. I am in my 3rd week of 250 test enanthate and the only thing that has changed is my libido It's worse than before I was under the impression that it would increase, not that it was that bad before Other than that I feel nothing different. Is there anything I can do differently?
Sounds like you've completely shut yourself down, no natural production of testosterone, and are not taking enough injectable test (your test is lower then when you started).
Your taking "test 250" - what ester , or is it sustanon 250? How many mg a week are you taking ? It's prob not enough.

What are you using for an AI and at what dosage
250mg per week is just a little bit higher than a replacement dosage unless you had low Total Testosterone (TT). For example, I have hypogonadism and my prescription is for 200mg/week. What was your natural TT at prior to your cycle?

I think it is pretty dumb to shut down your natural test (and HPTA) to basically run a TRT dosage. If you are going to cycle do it it right. Run 500mg per week.

The other issue is that you may be feeling the effects of high estradiol. Do you have an Aromatase Inhibitor?

What are you going to run for PCT when your cycle is done?

What is your diet -- your macros?

Will you be running blood work? If so, what labs will you be getting?

Are you using hCG? If no, why not?

Height? Weight? Body fat %?
Sounds like your body senses it doesn't need to produce testosterone anymore.

This is why meagatron suggests bloodwork before hand. If your natural test is high and you replace test with a dose that equals lower levels than you're used to your libido will suffer too

so now you're at a crossroad. Was I better off natural or sauced up.
Imo take 3cc a week and have fun. Your partner should be able to hang off your tree trunk like a monkey.....
And get some hcg, Ai ( arimidex,aromasin) are popular to stop aromatizing estrogen
Also clomid and novla so you can stop at any time if needed.

Be smart.
Sounds like bunk gear to me. I'm not going to repeat what has been said, but I'm honestly surprised one of my peers would jump in without some research first.

Welcome to ology, please stick around and learn everything you can. There's a lot to educate yourself on here, which will lead to success in the future.

I'd start by getting a blood test from Megatron28's signature above. We can help you decode that when you get the results in a few days, and help you decide what to do next. ;)

My .02c :)
Thanks guys I ob didn't research it like I should have. I wanna do this right So blood work first the go from there with a plan.