New Training Log

My joints and tendons are really killing me. I would love some deca right now my joints can handle anything on that stuff. My elbows are getting worse im gonna get some moreaccupuncture on sat see if that helps any.

Biceps, Triceps and Forearm

Alternating Dumbell Curl-15-10-8-6(40,45,55,60)
superset with
Nosebreak w dumbell but across the face-15-12-12-12(kept really light because of elbow inflammation)

Preach Curl w Barbell-12-12-10-10
superset with
One Arm Pushdown-15-15-12-12

Curl from Cable to ear-8-8-8-8
combination with
Reverse Pushdown One Arm at a time-10-10-10-10

Concentration on Cable-10-10-10
superset with
Reverse Curl on Cable-15-15-15

Wrist Curl on Cable-3 set of 20 no rest between
Yesterday was Shoulders
Sitting down bent over Laterals for Rear delts-20-10-8-8
Hammer Machine Shoulder Press Behind Neck-20-12-12-12(just kept it at 2 plates elbows are killing me)
superset with
Reverse Pec Deck for Rear Delts( 4 sets of 12 at 160)
Seated Laterals-3 set of 12 w 45 lb dumbells
Laterals Behind the Back on cable-3 set of 10
Front Raise on Cable-10-10-10
superset with
Upright Row on Cable-12-12-12
Yesterday was back and Traps

Front Pulldown-10-8-8-6(200-210-220-220)
Sitting Side ways on pulldown w one arm grip pulldown-4 set of 8
Tbar Row w Pad on Chest-12-12-12-12(kept it at 2 plates and quarter to make sure i got 12 reps each time)
Front Pulldown Closed-8-8-6-4 drop 10
Cable Row-8-8-8-8
Pullover on CAble-12-12-12-12

Sitting down Shrug Machine-20-10-8-6
Upright Row on Cable sitting down-12-12-12-12

Leg Raise with dumbell-15-15-15-15
Leg Raise-12-12-12-12
Good choice on the pull ups. Really work those. I noticed over winter when I decided to drop the lat pull downs and increase my pull ups, WHAM, my lats started to really come through and widen out. so shit!
yea man definately. I think this is best exercise for increase the width of your back. For thickness i like barbell rows.
Guys i will be forced to take atleast 10 days off from training as my tendon issues are getting ridiculous and new ones problems are popping up everyday. I guess this is a sign to give my body a rest.
I hate that! :( Good you can recognize it and have the balls to rest. I say that because I'm always scared I'm going to lose gains so I usually push it further then I should. ;)
Why 10 days though??? Is past issues coming back or that severe??
Work Wear

A Very interesting postvery much appreciated particularly at what im looking to do.

Does any one have any more reading? Where is the best place to get started here on this web site?