new. what should i do?

i have been on this site for a good while now and learned alot if you stick to the site like i did you will see just like i did that its bad to start off early with gear
see caso, ology is like a comunity/family. these guys is been their and know the ropes alot better than you and i. i have been on other board just reading forums and join a couple and they are boring. they claim "here we respect you and dont give you problems". i rather a board that gives me probs and gets on my ass like the family. but yeah you get what we are saying i just wanted to put some more input.
thats whatsup. yeah im gonna wait. thanks for tha help. never used supplements either so i guess im going to research through those forums
hey dude;
You already got some great advice - here's my 2 cents:

DIET is key - figure out what you need to eat calorie wise and do it. Also look for the best choices for growth in terms of carbs, protein, fats. Don't eat crap (You know - anything sweet or fried or tastes REALLY good...LOL) and take the budget you would put in roids ($500+)? and put it into a trainer who knows his shit. Don't go for a cutie pie at the gym or someone who is your "friend" go for a guy who has been there and done it.

Best of luck - work hard.