New Year, New cycle


New member
Getting ready for a new cycle.

Test E 600mg/week 1-16

Deca 400mg/week 1-14

d-bol 40mgday/week 1-4 to 6, depending on how I feel. Also with the D-bol, gonna run some cycle assist supps. milk thistle etc...

aromasin 12.5 mg ed all the way through PCT.

prami .25mg at night before bed starting 3rd week of cycle.

HCG starting 2nd week 500iu a week for length of cycle. Will raise this to 1,000iu after last pin of test for 10 days, then start pct 4 days later. Will pin Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice a week.

PCT, clomid 50/50/50/50 4 weeks
nolva 40/40/20/20.....PCT could go longer, just will run till things are normal again.

Also have been running ghrp-6 and mod-grf, which will continue through out cycle and after.

Getting bloods done soon, before new year. Then also middle of cycle and end.

Ready to start this thing now, but still recovering for injury and waiting till 100%.
Looks good omega.
Were gonna be running the same cycle next year. Which prami u gonna use? Liquid or pill. And ill be on ghrp 2 not 6 but other than that. I like to see how you do on this. R u gonna log it?
You'll love test/deca/dbol. Milk thistle is garbage though bro. Get some liv52 if you're that concerned about it but dbol's actually milder then people think. And you're running a moderate dose. Personally I wouldn't worry about it but hey, to each his own. Another thing, as long as you keep your estro in check you shouldn't have any prolactin issues. I would keep the prami on hand just in case but just like with the dbol, you're running a mild dose of deca and I don't see the point in taking it unless needed as long as you keep your e in check. Just my opinion but unless you've ran deca and have had prolactin issues before I don't see I point in automatically running it.

I'd like to see a log of both your cycles. Definitely post em up. My last cycle was pretty similar. Test 500 1-16 deca 400 1-12 dbol 50 1-5 & 12-16. Loved the cycle. Hated the post cycle therapy (pct). I'll never run another cycle without running hcg.

How you liking the ghrp 6? I'm more interested in the effects on appetite then anything else.
Colt the effects on appetite are awesome with the GHRP-6. I pretty much stay hungry. The hunger really kicks in though like 15-30 min after injection. I Could eat a freaking horse.

P4P4 D, Im using the liquid prami, but think Ill take colts advice and just have it on hand, just in case. Won't start taking it unless I feel the need.

Def plan on logging this cycle. Will post it up in the cycle section once I get started. BTW using euro for all the gear.
I agree with colt, no need for prami with deca if you can keep your estro in check. Also why start the hcg week 2? Your shit will be shut down before that if thats your reason for using the hcg on cycle. And 500iu a week isnt worth taking it imo. 1000iu a week is minimum to me. Hcg is not very strong so a shot of 250iu wont have much effect on the testes.

Also I would make that deca 16 weeks and the test 20 but thats just me
Awesome. Ill keep an eye for the log.. have you used euro before? Did u get ure hcg from same place? I'm still gatherin all the goods hoping to start this in march. Still in post cycle therapy (pct) mode. But cycle looks straight.
Why don't you push this thing back until early spring so it'll finish up closer to summer?
Lol. I'm doing good just waiting till the new year essays.

P4P4, never used euro before. And hcg came from another source. Only ever ran Geneza. Put on around 17 lbs running gp's test e.

200. Been reading more into it. I'll start at 500 a week and if it's not doing the job will bump that up to 1000. Hcg had a great effec on me last cycle. But that was ou running a blast phase at 500iu a day for 10 days after last pin. Balls came back quick.
Lol. I'm doing good just waiting till the new year essays.

P4P4, never used euro before. And hcg came from another source. Only ever ran Geneza. Put on around 17 lbs running gp's test e.

200. Been reading more into it. I'll start at 500 a week and if it's not doing the job will bump that up to 1000. Hcg had a great effec on me last cycle. But that was ou running a blast phase at 500iu a day for 10 days after last pin. Balls came back quick.

thats a great way of doing it bro