New Years Resolutions for 2015?


New member
Does anyone have a personal goal that they want to accomplish this year? My goal is to continue to stay healthy while training as hard as I do! I don't want an injury, I don't want to get sick, I don't want to miss a day in the gym. Not a bad idea right? Welcome to a New Year everyone.
My goal this year is to finally meet my goal of looking more like this guy:
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I still have a long ways to go, but if I do the work 3J will get me there.

EDIT: In case anyone wonders, that is Drew Canole. He promotes juicing (as in making juices from fruits and vegetables with a juicer) as a way to get all your nutrients faster and easier.
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I was thinking about getting a gym membership, I hear exercise is good for your health. The gear isnt doing enough on its own. Lol jk

I want to keep going with 3j and do a physique competition at some point. I'm a long way off and I don't want to become a pro, I just want to say I placed in one!
Get back on track, I've cheated on Christmas and New years since signing with 3J. I almost put on 5 lbs in one night from booze and finger food last night. Weighed myself this morning and was like WTF, just not worth it, I feel so hung over today and can't do anything. Time to get serious ,I have a goal and I'm sticking with it.
Get back on track, I've cheated on Christmas and New years since signing with 3J. I almost put on 5 lbs in one night from booze and finger food last night. Weighed myself this morning and was like WTF, just not worth it, I feel so hung over today and can't do anything. Time to get serious ,I have a goal and I'm sticking with it.

Right there with you prowl. To stay consistent on my diet and training for the entirety of 2015.

Oh and... I'm pushing 190 right now because of all the goodies too. On week three of Test only.. gonna try to push that to 215-220 by the end. Got a lot of work to do.
... I don't want an injury, I don't want to get sick, I don't want to miss a day in the gym...

This for me. My last couple of years I've incurred too many injuries.

Aside from that I want my 4 plate squat that I've been chasing for too many years. Every time I get close I tear something up. I'm fairly confident this year will be the year.
I was thinking about getting a gym membership, I hear exercise is good for your health. The gear isnt doing enough on its own. Lol jk

I want to keep going with 3j and do a physique competition at some point. I'm a long way off and I don't want to become a pro, I just want to say I placed in one!

I know a lot of people poo-poo Planet Fitness, but as a first gym you really cannot beat them for the price. $10 a month for the basic membership.
first off i'm quitting juice after being on for 2.5 years. i hope to recover normal levels. seeing a urologist on the 9th.

second, i plan on simply making 2015 better than 2014. in 2014 i went through depression, debt, many failures, and a deadly infection (unrelated to steroids completely) which was a near death experience for me. i appreciate life a lot more now. i listen to myself more, i trust myself more. but most importantly i learned that me, my mind, is the only thing responsible for my happiness. when i was in that hospital bed hooked up to IV's, death was certainly a possibility right next to getting my arm amputated. i broke down and hysterically cried in the arms of my mother. and thats when it hit me, i need to be the fuel for my own happiness. i could have had 50 million dollars in the bank, i could have had the hottest girlfriend, i could have had 10 lambos at home, i could have been the most aesthetic motherfucker out there getting all the pussy. im not saying those things have no value, but none of that matters when your health is deteriorating. so guys, even though my health issues werent steroid related, please be sensible with the amount of gear you are taking. i thank god every day that i'm alive

happy new year bros. love yourselves more
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Then I get to finally bulk for the first fkng time in forever! It's surreal to realize that my journey is almost over, coming from damn near 50 percent bodyfat to ten. (237 pounds of that rubbish obliterated)

I really enjoyed the heart-felt sentiment e92, serious respect man. :)

Then I get to finally bulk for the first fkng time in forever! It's surreal to realize that my journey is almost over, coming from damn near 50 percent bodyfat to ten. (237 pounds of that rubbish obliterated)

I really enjoyed the heart-felt sentiment e92, serious respect man. :)

My hat is off to you, Halfwit. I think it comes down to: "If you want it bad enough ...." Good luck on the last 15
The old saying - "don't look back" - is only half right, so to speak.

So many people start off the year only looking forward and end up repeating the previous year.

It's called ... "the snap-back effect." People start something new - a better "new you" - quit smoking
eating right - working out... then after a short time... "they snap-back."

I look at what I did last year and the effect it had me... the cause and effect.

For me, this year is about - "change" - a very big change in the way I manage my personal growth.

Although you won't see it here on the forum... this year is about creating a better "brand."

A look at the way I do - and way I can - impact others lives.

Other than that - I'm still fucking eating pizza! :D
@Repo, @e92: nothing but respect for the candor and honesty. For me this year, it's about spending less time on an airplane and more time with my family. Really being there when I am home and not just being in the room, working, or doing e-mail, or whatever. In the gym, I want to see what growth my forty something body is capable of in as healthy a way as I possibly can - assisted of course:)
lol i hope these guys know how massive you were ... and i'm talking about muscularity wise when you mention that amount of fat.. because from the pics you've posted your a seriously massive dude all around

Thanks for the kind words! This is a great community, and it's always awesome to see people succeed when the drive and determination are there. :)
lol i hope these guys know how massive you were ... and i'm talking about muscularity wise when you mention that amount of fat.. because from the pics you've posted your a seriously massive dude all around

Pics or I don't believe it!
To strengthen my relationship with God. To keep bui
Ding on my 4 years of sobriety. Try and be a better Christian, Dad and fiancé. To be a good example and help people. Lifting, gear and learning bout diets is my hobby, not my goal in life.
signed up with 3j last week too; can't wait to watch the results. The guy knows his shit; man that's a lot of food