NewB / Need Help on First Cycle


New member
My body stat:
Height: 6'
Weight: 190lbs
BF: 13%
Previous Cycle Experience: None.

Started to lift at my age of 18 and now 24. Had not been on a serious workout & diet plan but started to do hard workout and diet control since the end of last year.
My body has been changed a lot as I was about 150lbs when I started to lift. Though it seems like the growth got sluggish and feels like it's the point needing gear to accelerate the growth.

I was thinking my first cycle with Dbol, Test E and Deca with PCT of Clomid and Nolva. (Should I add HCG ? )
Obviously, it's a bulk plan. I've read many posts regarding Deca's side effects like deca dick tho. (can't imagine my life w/o boner lol)

I'm not sure if i'm on the right track planning my first cycle. Can you give me any advice or guideline??
Jeez tbonexl- 4700+ posts and most of them are copy and pasting that link! :thumbsdow

OP: First cycle should be Test only, with an AI, HCG and a solid PCT.

You 1st and foremost need to learn how your body reacts with exogenous testosterone before experimenting with orals etc.
With your proposed cycle, if you had sides - you wouldn't know what has caused them, and therefore have learnt nothing.

Keep it Test only, learn how to monitor estradiol - keep other compounds for further cycles.

BB s right. That stack is right on time--------in about 2.5-3 years. And as he s a rep moving product you can tell he both know s and wants you alive for years to come.

Look bro---your first cycle is the best cycle...all that cash u were gonna spew on gear...spend it on good food. 500 test e for 12, 14, 16 weeks max will be enough. Please do not let some gym guru drug dealer sell u questionable gear with statements like this ll cut you up, this ll do that......

Steroids are for growth--only advanced guy s lean out on them. Cut s are made in the kitchen, ab s to....Food is the most anabolic thing you can ingest. Keep it simple, safe and slowly become the guy you want.
Thank you for the advise. I will be following your guideline.

Jeez tbonexl- 4700+ posts and most of them are copy and pasting that link! :thumbsdow

OP: First cycle should be Test only, with an AI, HCG and a solid PCT.

You 1st and foremost need to learn how your body reacts with exogenous testosterone before experimenting with orals etc.
With your proposed cycle, if you had sides - you wouldn't know what has caused them, and therefore have learnt nothing.

Keep it Test only, learn how to monitor estradiol - keep other compounds for further cycles.



First of all, Thank you for the advise. I've read some posts saying that the first cycle should be Test only but wasn't sure of why. Now that I finally have the clue, I will have to make another plan on my cycle.
When you said a solid PCT, did you mean AI, HCG with Nolva?
I'd appreciate if you'd help me out on planning the cycle.
BB s right. That stack is right on time--------in about 2.5-3 years. And as he s a rep moving product you can tell he both know s and wants you alive for years to come.

Look bro---your first cycle is the best cycle...all that cash u were gonna spew on gear...spend it on good food. 500 test e for 12, 14, 16 weeks max will be enough. Please do not let some gym guru drug dealer sell u questionable gear with statements like this ll cut you up, this ll do that......

Steroids are for growth--only advanced guy s lean out on them. Cut s are made in the kitchen, ab s to....Food is the most anabolic thing you can ingest. Keep it simple, safe and slowly become the guy you want.

Decided to take BB's advise srsly and Thank you for your reply too.

First of all, Thank you for the advise. I've read some posts saying that the first cycle should be Test only but wasn't sure of why. Now that I finally have the clue, I will have to make another plan on my cycle.
When you said a solid PCT, did you mean AI, HCG with Nolva?
I'd appreciate if you'd help me out on planning the cycle.

The answers are all there in the stickies, but since you asked nicely....

Cycle - 12/14 weeks

Test enanthate @ 500mg weekly (2 x 250mg)
Arimidex @ 0.5mg E3D
HCG @ 500iu weekly (2 x 250iu)

Wait 3 weeks after last Test pin before commencing PCT

PCT: (4 wks)
Clomid @ 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex @ 40/40/20/20

Keep taking the HCG and AI until about 3/4 days before PCT

This cycle will only be successful if combined with a GOOD diet, exceptional training and sound sleep.
AAS are just the finishing touch to a successful run - not the 'be all and end all'

Good luck!
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Jeez tbonexl- 4700+ posts and most of them are copy and pasting that link! :thumbsdow

OP: First cycle should be Test only, with an AI, HCG and a solid PCT.

You 1st and foremost need to learn how your body reacts with exogenous testosterone before experimenting with orals etc.
With your proposed cycle, if you had sides - you wouldn't know what has caused them, and therefore have learnt nothing.

Keep it Test only, learn how to monitor estradiol - keep other compounds for further cycles.


What's wrong with the link Ben? Everything mentioned is in that link. With the exception of adex @ .25 eod. It's a good link bud.. not all of my 4700+ posts are copy&paste. After all can't we all just read the link? Lol
Yeah, stick to test alone. Don't forget to get bloodwork done before, in the middle of, and at the end of your cycle to gauge your estradiol levels and adjust AI dosage accordingly.