Newb to the board


New member
hey all, new guy to board. recently got back into bodybuilding back in dec. after 7 years, 2 kids and being a lazy fat ass i figured it was time.

i've been on a test-e blast and cruise since dec, started tren a few weeks back and can really tell a difference in the strength results. and also on Melanotan2 daily. anyone else gettin bad acne from the tren?

i've been able to increase weight to every workout anywhere between 5-15 lbs.

started deadlifting and squats in jan, @ 240 for DL and 200 for squats. last week i broke a record i had for both of those. 415 lbs on DL now and 370 on squats. im also just shy of my 300 lbs bench goal by only 5 lbs. which im hoping to break this week.

so far. my actual weight has not changed at all. im at a consistent 242 lbs. managed to lose 1" off the belly line thankfully. but the gut just isnt coming off no matter what i do. i run like crazy and several other cardio workouts. but i just cant get rid of it faster than the rate its slimming now.

just wanted to pop in and say hi. posted some monthly progress photos as well.

dec 20
jan 20
march 20
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Can tell you've put on some muscle and leaned up a bit. So you started gear immediately when you started bodybuilding again?

Regarding the belly fat...what's your diet look like? If diet is shit, results will be shit, regardless of the steroids.