Newbie, Needing advice for lifestyle change


New member
Hey Everyone,

Pretty new here, been lurking for awhile. I recently was started on 200mg EW of Test Cyp for TRT. To give some insight to the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), about 3 months ago I decided to go to the doc as I had been feeling pretty slum for the last 1-2 years. I put on 60lbs in about 9 months, and pretty much lost every ounce of muscle I had. We ran blood work and my test levels came back @ 110, then a month later we checked it and it was 117. I don't remember my other levels, but I intend to ask for a copy of my blood work on my next check up. Anyways, starting this Friday (My first injection) I am turning my life around. So I am throwing out all the junk food I have and going clean, low carb, high protein and raw foods. After the 3 months of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), we are going to run bloodwork again and see what we need to adjust.

Age: 26
height: 6'3 (190.5 cm)
weight: 242 lbs (110 kg)
I would put myself around 20-22% bf (total guess, but based off the sticky). I have never been super fit and have always struggled to make strength gains. When I was around 18-19, I was very lean but had little muscle. I met some guys at a gym I went to and got to lifting with them. I worked out 4 days a week for nearly 2 years, eating a ton of food (4000~ calories a day, 250g~ of protein) and only increased my bench from like a 65lbs (Dumbbell, fly, each hand) to 90lbs. My best leg press was 572lbs for 5 sets of 15, or 3 x 2 at 627 (really struggle to do this, had to be fresh).

Anyways, I am wanting to lose this weight, fast. I plan on starting Mrs P HIIT running, for the cardio and increasing my lung strength/capacity. I am ordering a pair of brooks adrenaline gts 12's tommorow, unless I find something better for running. So what I am looking for from all you smart people is:

What else can I do (I have a family and work 10hrs a day) to increase my weight loss and what foods should I be looking for when it comes to clean, weight losing diets? I have read the stickies, just thought I could maybe get more specific information for my situation. After losing the weight, I will be cruising with my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and the occasional (very rare) blast to gain some (30 lbs) lean good muscle.

Thank you all for reading my wall, I appreciate any input you can provide.



P.S. If you want to know why I have such low natty test, I can share.
Well there is always the METH diet, also run barefoot.....builds charater j/k

HIIT is awsome for cardio. every other day i use HIIT cardio to run the 1.3 miles to the gym, lift a bunch of heavy shit, and walk my tired ass home. cut 8 lbs in 2 weeks so far, but the key i found is cleaning the diet, and dont use kids wife and work as excuses, ur already trying to set up roadblocks and havent even started. use them as motivation. my 9 year old loves soccer, so i involve that into my routine because ......Soccer is HIIT. just find somthing fun..... If not then please revert to the first statement either way good luck
Hello and WELCOME!!
Keep in mind Cardio and trainig IS important for healthy, but effect in fatloss are minimal.
Diet and sups should take up 90% of your focus.
Do cardio 2-5days a week for health but what I rec the most is heavy lifting to try and build mass while you eat healthy.
the more muscle you have the better for fatloss and ease of fatloss.

high protein/ med-high fat/med carbs is how you want to adjust your diet. (but why not low fat?) well its a gimmick.
if you eat fat you don't get fat, like it doesnt just go join your other fat cells. if anything eating lots of healthy fats and protein would be MUCH MUCH better then eadint high protein mde-high carb/sugar and low fat. *TRUST ME I KNOW THIS STUFF*

So dont fall into the BS of "fat free" on the package.
most times it just means more sugar or fake sweetners (will make you want more = bad).
now I am not saying dont wach fat, sure you have to wach it because fat is high in cals so of course if you eat alot of fat and have way too many total calories, then of course you will get fat.

Fill up on LOTS of veggies with some fat (help keep you full longer too)

eg: steemed veggies and checken breast before eatign the veggies drizzil a little olive oil and add cracked black pepper. if its a bigge rmeal maybe add a potato.

anyway good luck man!
Feel free to pm me if you have questions or something, but I warn you I do not eat meat or fish so my diet might not be what you are lookign for (though I would sure be happy to turn you veggie if you want ;-) )

Anyway good luck and keep up the will power!
Its nice to see someone give a shit about there heath from time to time!

PS, I HIGHLY rec grabbing Protein powder and add in 3-5 scoops a day (maybe inbetween meals or with them to add to the amount of protein)
also need2slin is a nice product I like (remember these only help though) link: Need2Slin - the worlds first test boosting nutrient repartitioner!

Take care
Hello and WELCOME!!
Keep in mind Cardio and trainig IS important for healthy, but effect in fatloss are minimal.
Diet and sups should take up 90% of your focus.
Do cardio 2-5days a week for health but what I rec the most is heavy lifting to try and build mass while you eat healthy.
the more muscle you have the better for fatloss and ease of fatloss.

high protein/ med-high fat/med carbs is how you want to adjust your diet. (but why not low fat?) well its a gimmick.
if you eat fat you don't get fat, like it doesnt just go join your other fat cells. if anything eating lots of healthy fats and protein would be MUCH MUCH better then eadint high protein mde-high carb/sugar and low fat. *TRUST ME I KNOW THIS STUFF*

So dont fall into the BS of "fat free" on the package.
most times it just means more sugar or fake sweetners (will make you want more = bad).
now I am not saying dont wach fat, sure you have to wach it because fat is high in cals so of course if you eat alot of fat and have way too many total calories, then of course you will get fat.

Fill up on LOTS of veggies with some fat (help keep you full longer too)

eg: steemed veggies and checken breast before eatign the veggies drizzil a little olive oil and add cracked black pepper. if its a bigge rmeal maybe add a potato.

anyway good luck man!
Feel free to pm me if you have questions or something, but I warn you I do not eat meat or fish so my diet might not be what you are lookign for (though I would sure be happy to turn you veggie if you want ;-) )

Anyway good luck and keep up the will power!
Its nice to see someone give a shit about there heath from time to time!

PS, I HIGHLY rec grabbing Protein powder and add in 3-5 scoops a day (maybe inbetween meals or with them to add to the amount of protein)
also need2slin is a nice product I like (remember these only help though) link: Need2Slin - the worlds first test boosting nutrient repartitioner!

Take care

I agree
Juiced's post pretty much nails it. But remember if your goal is to lose the fat first - low calories are your biggest aim.

Based on your info, your bmr is around 2300cal per day (how much you burn if you lay in bed all day). So if you were to work out say 3-5 days a week, you would need 3500 calories to stay at your current weight. Let's chuck in a 1000 calorie a day deficit to kill 2 pounds of fat a week. So you should eat 2500 calories a day and workout 3-5 days a week for good healthy fat loss.

2500 calories is your golden daily number, your protein/carb/fat ratios should be based on that.
Try and eat 5-6 meals a day to keep the metabolism flowing. Types of food? pretty much any lean meat - venison, chicken, turkey, etc. Along with some healthy fats - nuts, salmon. And healthy carbs - brown rice, green veggies, etc. Although, I recommend going low carb once you hit the 10-12% range to really start burning.

Let us know how you progress bro. Good luck