Newbie needs help just started test e


New member
Hey guys,

This is my first post on this site. I just started a cycle of Test E from Alpha Laboratories(heard of them?)

Im a small guy I weigh 140 and am 6'0 with a BMI of 18.1.

As of now we are starting with 1 cc of test e every week.

If you guys could give me any info at all on what I could/should add to my cycle. And Is 1 cc enough in your opinion?

Im prolly going to finish this cycle and move to sustanon 250 and stack it with british dragon dbol...

And also Id like to know some info about PCT. Is it necessary to take them after my cycle Is finished? im a little confused in that aspect. Does Novalex do the trick or is that even a pct?

Sorry I told you guys im a noob
At 6'0" 140lbs the best thing you can do is put down the syringes and pick up a fork. You are no where near ready to use steroids. If you can't gain without steroids you won't keep what you do gain with them. Its not rocket science bro, at 140lbs you are not eating properly so cycling is going to be a waste of money and time.

But it is your money and your time so if you choose to keep doing it, 1 shot is not enough unless its test E dosed at 400mgs or more. You want to inject at least twice per week between 400 and 600mgs total per week.
I take it you probably don't have an AI either, get some aromasin or arimidex and take that through out your cycle as well
PCT just read the stickies for the nolvadex/clomid protocols
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