Newbie question about "after market" TEST


New member
So a good personal trainer buddy of mine said a couple of his personal trainer buddies at the gym all take "after market" TEST. Its about $100 USD for 2 month supply. He said some of the trainers use to be skinny and now they are huge. Im pretty good friends with this buddy so he wouldn't lie to me.

The thing is i wanted to try HGH at first, but after a TON of research, i realize 90% of all the "after market" HGH is probably all fake. So my questions is,... are most after market TEST legit or are they mostly fake? Would you say the "after market" TEST out there 90% legitimate? 50% legitimate? 10% legitimate?

Thanks for the help with newbie question.
You sound like an undercover cop that's trying to fit in with the cool lingo and Its not working, no joke
You sound like an undercover cop that's trying to fit in with the cool lingo and Its not working, no joke

Did u not notice the "Newbie" in the initial question? Do u not know what that means? If i sound like a cop then i apologize. Just asking a question.

Im sure from day one when you got yanked out of your moms vagina you knew everything. For mortals like me, i came on this board to look for help. If you can't help, why are you here?
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Well for starters I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Your paragraph of words is not very comprehensible as a question that needs answering
Find a source, buy from it, pin the test, get results. If its fake, you won't get any results. Good luck
Well for starters I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Your paragraph of words is not very comprehensible as a question that needs answering

So if you can't answer and don't understand how to read a few sentence why are you replying at all? why not just leave the thread instead of posting 12 year old comments about "pistol whipping"?
Wuballz I also feel like pistol whipping you with a after market pistol
But seriously after market wtf? Lol
hey ballz you need to have thicker skin. i am a newbie too i came here for the same info. But clman gave you the best answer. buy a sample vial 100 is nothing, before you pin anything do some research. I mean hours and hours and days and days of reading. Then if you want to do this dudes test, ok, but make sure he has enough available to run complete cycle and not just one or two vials. because if it is good and you cant get anymore than WTF then. and if your dosage gives you the gains you expect from the research you did than it is legit, if not then now you KNOW... and if so post a thread about what lab and how good or bad it was so another newbie can make an informed decisions base on fact from fellow ology members. so pay your dues here and dont get so offended by someone just breakin your balls.....
honesty im sorry all we do on these forms is fight we should stop but cop dont ruin the fun pleasee i hate cops sooo much i wanna wreck a cop 1 vs 1 irl
hey ballz you need to have thicker skin. i am a newbie too i came here for the same info. But clman gave you the best answer. buy a sample vial 100 is nothing, before you pin anything do some research. I mean hours and hours and days and days of reading. Then if you want to do this dudes test, ok, but make sure he has enough available to run complete cycle and not just one or two vials. because if it is good and you cant get anymore than WTF then. and if your dosage gives you the gains you expect from the research you did than it is legit, if not then now you KNOW... and if so post a thread about what lab and how good or bad it was so another newbie can make an informed decisions base on fact from fellow ology members. so pay your dues here and dont get so offended by someone just breakin your balls.....

Thanks for the help. That is a lot of stuff i didn't consider before

I wasn't that offended, more or less annoyed that i just want to ask a simple question and that was the first answer that i got.

I did a Ton of research on HGH and realized that its not worth buying and trying unless you go to a wellness Doctor and get a script because of all the fakes out there. I was being lazy and was just wondering if thats the same with TEST.

I have no problem buying and trying out a sample but i just wanted to make sure that 90% of the TEST out there is not fake before i take a chance. More for health reason, not really monetary reasons. If majority of the TEST out there is legit then i have no problem taking a plunge. But if 90% of it out there is no good like majority of the HGH's floating around, then its not worth the health risk to try.

I realize this is a general question and there is no definite answer, i was just looking a loose group consensus.

I was just wondering if any of the people on this forum have an idea of what the TEST market is like out there right now.
I was just wondering if any of the people on this forum have an idea of what the test market is like out there right now.

Uummm... What?