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im about to get on a cycle of deca and test and maybe andro the guy who im buying it from is selling me 3 vials and suringes for xxxx i want to know is that a good deal? and how long does a vial last?

my stats 6' 195 i wanna gain20 pounds of muscle im already lean and cut just want more size
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People here advise a testosterone enanthate or testosterone cypionate cyle for a first cycle with something like nolvadex on hand in case of gynecomastia and a good post cycle therapy (pct) plan.
Vials are usually 10 ml and if you run a 10 week, 500 mg per week testosterone enanthate cycle with dosage at 250 mg per ml you willl need TWO 10 ml vials. Ask some of the more experienced guys at ology for their advise depending on your goals. Good luck.