

New member
Hello bodybuilding gurus. My name is Mike, I'm 26 5'8 220. I got into lifting when I was 14, started going heavy when I was 16 then was off and on as I got into girls and had kids. Recently started at the beggining of this year, currently trying to cut weight as I have about 20-25% bf. I know I have a lot of work to do and my goal is to put on about 20lbs of muscle and have about 10-15% bf. I've been reading these forums for about a week now and I'm considering a small cycle to start after i get my wieght to where i want it. I really want to do injections but I'm afraid of what my wife would say if she found out. I've done the oral only thing before with no knowledge of post cycle therapy (pct) or Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or pretty much anything for that matter. I just did it cuz my friends were doing. I know stupid right and needless to say I quickly lost almost all of my gains. Anyway, I'm looking for advice on what I should do since it is easier for me to get pills and more discreet to hide from the wife. Any feedback good or bad is appreciated. Oh and I would be picking up my supplies from a cop. What do you guys think about that. Thanks in advance.
Just my .02, why not shed the BF you want to and then see where you are at. Hell you may not need anything? I mean at 5'8 even if you drop to 190 lean pounds you might be impressed.
Hey dave thanks for the reply. My perfect weight before I start a cycle would be 185 but realistically and from past experiences I most likely won't be able to break the 200 mark. I have heavy bones and I love to eat which is a problem I have when cutting weight. Lately I've been having problems putting on muscle naturally which was never a problem when I was in my teens. I don't know what the problem is. I've tried changing my eating habits. Taking protein/creatine and nothing. I know I need to work hard for what I want and steroids are not always the answer but some help through the process would be nice and if I do end up doing it I would like to do it the right way. Which is why I am here
Thats cool. Just remember if your restricting your calories too much it'll slow everything down. You have to remember it took you some time to gain the fat and it takes time to get it back off. At 47 I still eat alot of calories (still trying to put on mass) but I also hit the weights hard and heavy 5 days a week and cardio 3 days so the gains are lean (slow but lean).