Newbies: Read this before you ask "ANY cycle questions"


I would like to do my second steroid cycle, and I would really appreciate your suggestions. I have been doing a lot of research but am still unclear on what would be my best and safest option. When I did my first cycle, I was very inexperienced and do not want to repeat that. I did Test Cypionate for 12 weeks followed by Nolvadex.

Here is my info:
5'6" - 205 lbs. - 14.8% body fat - Age 23

I lift 4 days a week and play basketball 2 nights a week

Having done a lot of weight training, I'm already fairly strong. I would be happy to get stronger, but my focus is more body-comp oriented at the moment. I would love to shed some stubborn fat and get a tighter, leaner look. I'm currently being treated for a minor back injury (L5 related), so I want a protocol that will aid in recovery as well as body composition change.