Next cycle for me possibly.


New member
Kinda decided I'm going to run a big cycle and see how I do.
Test e 900mg/week 1-15
Tren a 525mg/week 2-14
Deca or EQ at 600-900mg/week 1-14
Hcg 500ius 2x week 1-16
Arimidex .5mg eod
Prami on hand
Pct 2-3 weeks after last injection
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
My question is deca or EQ? I know deca is also a 19 nor and not recommended with tren.
I vote EQ
1800 mgs of 19nor seems a bit high... You don't wanna have to be chugging down bottles of prami
You have a shit ton of "my next cycle" threads. You obviously need more research when you post something like either deca or eq. They're not even comparable! You already got a shit load of tren too! Where are you coming up with this crazy cycle? What kind of stats do you have to even consider running that much gear?
You have a shit ton of "my next cycle" threads. You obviously need more research when you post something like either deca or eq. They're not even comparable! You already got a shit load of tren too! Where are you coming up with this crazy cycle? What kind of stats do you have to even consider running that much gear?

Just getting ideas I didn't know it matter that I asked opinions about cycles. I have done a lot of research but I haven't done test tren and another compound before hence my question about which is better. And this is research me asking questions about what other guys prefer. I ask questions to gain knowledge not to be a dumb ass like some people who just ask stupid questions to troll.
And you know what else tbone you give everyone a hard time if they don't know as much as you. I'm trying to do this in the safest way possible and I do research and am careful. But even then you give people a hard time and ride them. Some people haven't learned very much and ask questions to learn you just are a jerk to most of them. I don't care that you act like that to me because you don't know me or anything but maybe think about yourself and when you started using aas im sure you didn't magically know everything so you had to ask questions and learn.
What would be your goal with this cycle?

You could probably reach that same goal with far less dosages the you have listed, and have less sides (except for the EQ, that should be ran fairly high)..

And you could definitely get by with less test and just let the other compounds shine
I've ran tren at 350 and just want to try it at a higher dose. As for test. I could lower it to like 600 possibly. Thank you for those suggestions main goal is a lean bulk trying to gain size while keeping roughly the same bf %
Those compounds should go just fine on a clean bulk.. Starting one myself right now with a cut at the tail end..

I'm a believer in that everyone has a certain MG dosage "sweet spot" .. 600 mg of a compound is just right for one guy while 475 mg is it for another guy.
And you know what else tbone you give everyone a hard time if they don't know as much as you. I'm trying to do this in the safest way possible and I do research and am careful. But even then you give people a hard time and ride them. Some people haven't learned very much and ask questions to learn you just are a jerk to most of them. I don't care that you act like that to me because you don't know me or anything but maybe think about yourself and when you started using aas im sure you didn't magically know everything so you had to ask questions and learn.

Back when I started, there wasn't anybody to ask questions. You read. I read a lot of articles and magazines. IronMag and muscular fitness had some articles in there about gear. I read a shit ton! It's sad that now a days there is more info at the click of a button but yet people are too lazy. I don't know you. Guess what? You don't know me either. I've had more likes and reps then complaints so im going to keep doing my thing bud...
I see both sides of this two posts guys. Suggestion is to just ease up> I used to be real up tight on here and other forums and found just like in life if we just thought of each others end we could treat each other nicer.

I am trying to not beat up on the newbies or the less educated on aas and then had to ease up my ego when after my years of experience some guys tell me crap. WE are all here to share and to learn, even an old-timer like me....
OP just back to the drawing board. I for one think your dos\ages across the board are too high and I for one like high doses. Lighten it all out a little. Lower that test dose. You are not letting the other compound do their was said. :dunno:
Going from 350mgs to 900mgs of test per week isn't like eating a couple extra sour patch kids. Try 500-600mgs with 600mgs of eq. Done...