Kinda decided I'm going to run a big cycle and see how I do.
Test e 900mg/week 1-15
Tren a 525mg/week 2-14
Deca or EQ at 600-900mg/week 1-14
Hcg 500ius 2x week 1-16
Arimidex .5mg eod
Prami on hand
Pct 2-3 weeks after last injection
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
My question is deca or EQ? I know deca is also a 19 nor and not recommended with tren.
Test e 900mg/week 1-15
Tren a 525mg/week 2-14
Deca or EQ at 600-900mg/week 1-14
Hcg 500ius 2x week 1-16
Arimidex .5mg eod
Prami on hand
Pct 2-3 weeks after last injection
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
My question is deca or EQ? I know deca is also a 19 nor and not recommended with tren.