Next cycle idea, input please?


Beast m0de never sleeps
Ok so I started thinking about the next cycle I might run, which isn't going to be before fall of 2012 if all goes well, here's what I was thinking,
This will be my 3rd cycle,

wk 1-14 Deca @ 400-450mg/wk
wk 1-16 T400 @ 600-680mg/wk
wk 1-18 proviron @ 50mg/ED
wk 1-18 arimidex 0.25 ED (or more if needed)

nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/100/50/50

Probably will run a sexual enhancment supplement because of deca's limp mushroom tip side, along with multi V, fishoil, really good diet 4000+ cals/day over 4600 on wrkout days,

Hoping for decent size gains, semi dry (hopefully as dry as possible)

current stats
6'2, 230lbs 23yo
aprx 11-12% BF maybe less, I see my abs a little but not as much as before,
I'm currently on wk 18 of a EQ, Test E & proviron cycle (see my other thread for this cycle) which I will do a full review & update when I finish it, then later let you guys know how I recovered...

Let me know if I gotta change anything or add anything will be really appreciated.
