next cycle


New member
well ill start of with some background im 5'7'' about 190-195lbs right now, i have been cutting for summer. im currently on 420/w test p and 420/w masteron. this is my 2nd cycle. also had one with superdrol before the first.

my question is about my next cycle im planning out for late fall/early winter. i want to just straight bulk on this one but was torn between two possible ideas

i was thinking about either the classic test deca the exact dosage i hadnt decided i was thinking like 750mg and 400mg? maybe kickstart with superdrol. or would you guys run npp/test.

the other idea i had ive heard alot of friends run and thats test tren and eq.

anybody have any experience with these combos id like to have a bigger base to cut away at next summer with probably a test/tren/mast combo.
I would go with the test/deca with superdrol kicker for your all out bulk. Save tren for a later cycle, probably best for a recomp or lean mass cycle.
that was the one i was leaning towards especially cause itll save me a few bucks too ha. do you think the dosages look good, i was thinking like 12 weeks on the deca and like 15 on the test. would you do anything different?
I agree, my last cycle was a test/teren cycle. I love tren, but in my opinion, tren works best in trimming cycles becuase of the increased food effeciency and lack of aromatization. I think you have a winner with the test/deca
that was the one i was leaning towards especially cause itll save me a few bucks too ha. do you think the dosages look good, i was thinking like 12 weeks on the deca and like 15 on the test. would you do anything different?

Looks good to me, I would consider dropping the test dose to 600mg since its your third cycle. Other than that 15wks test 12 deca sounds good to me. Make sure you have caber or prami on hand at least and an AI.
thanks guys ill drop the test down, prolly a good idea cause im sensitive to aromatization. i also already have caber on hand because i decided on either tren or deca. how would you guys start the dose for it i was going to try .5mg on monday thursday
thanks guys ill drop the test down, prolly a good idea cause im sensitive to aromatization. i also already have caber on hand because i decided on either tren or deca. how would you guys start the dose for it i was going to try .5mg on monday thursday

.5mg monday thursday is perfect