No Herbs or Spices allowed??

Picking sides? What are you talking about? Shes here with a question and we're trying to give her some advice. Lets make her feel comfortable enough to come back for further questions if she has them or to share some advice of her own.
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So now shredder and mrrippedzilla are picking sides? Yes a picture is essential here so we can give you the best opinion.

What a ridiculous statement!

Personally I can't see why a picture is needed... she's asking a nutritional question, not a physique based one.

Guys, it's little wonder women are reluctant to post on here - when as soon as they do they get pestered for a photo.

If I question a cycle I'm running - I don't get asked for a pic, and if I did, I'd tell you straight where to go.
It's no different for females!
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Share a pic and let us see what you got to work with. And what country are you in?
This looks like a post for 3J's expert advice.

i think zilla has already done a great job answering this thread...

he pretty much took the words right out of my mouth.

spices that do not have sodium and are virtually calorie free wouldnt cause an issue with contest prep.. i myself cannot understand why the coach would put such a restriction on her..

but hey, its her coach..

personally i would be a bit more stern with him and ask him why...

these coaches that have this "dont ask me questions just follow the diet" routine are, in my opinion, lazy or just making shit up along the way..

if you bombard your coach with questions about every little thing and second guess every decision he makes then yea, i can understand a coaches frustration..

but if its simply hey why do you want me to avoid spices he should have a solid answer (one which he will not have when asked.. )
What a ridiculous statement!

Personally I can't see why a picture is needed... she's asking a nutritional question, not a physique based one.

Guys, it's little wonder women are reluctant to post on here - when as soon as they do they get pestered for a photo.

If I question a cycle I'm running - I don't get asked for a pic, and if I did, I'd tell you straight where to go.
It's no different for females!

i agree with ben...

we make sure our female members feel comfortable on ology because we like having them around..

next person to utter the word pictures in this thread will be given a time out personally by me to think about how to respect a lady..

get your shit together guys.. seriously
So now shredder and mrrippedzilla are picking sides? Yes a picture is essential here so we can give you the best opinion.

She asked a question related to nutrition during prep, in what fucking way does this require a pic for a more accurate answer?

I've got a masters in nutrition but clearly I missed the course talking about how ESSENTIAL pictures are when it comes to determining the impact of spices during prep.
It has nothing to do with nutritional science oooooh no, no, no....PICTURES will help determine the right answer.
So please enlighten me on how a picture helps answer the question "why should I avoid spices during prep"?

Edit: this post was made before I saw 3J's post banning the "P" word - forgive me buddy :)
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She asked a question related to nutrition during prep, in what fucking way does this require a pic for a more accurate answer?

I've got a masters in nutrition but clearly I missed the course talking about how ESSENTIAL pictures are when it comes to determining the impact of spices during prep.
It has nothing to do with nutritional science oooooh no, no, no....PICTURES will help determine the right answer.
So please enlighten me on how a picture helps answer the question "why should I avoid spices during prep"?

Edit: this post was made before I saw 3J's post banning the "P" word - forgive me buddy :)
Lmao.. Yea I think I can let that one slide
Just dropping in to say, I'm allowed spices now! He said get get fresh as much as possible, because you don't really know what's in the powders, like there could be extra chemical stuff that could bloat you! So I'm happy to just check the containers and use them
Just dropping in to say, I'm allowed spices now! He said get get fresh as much as possible, because you don't really know what's in the powders, like there could be extra chemical stuff that could bloat you! So I'm happy to just check the containers and use them

im glad it worked out..
Being healthy doesn't have to mean tasteless. There are spices that assist your body building routine.
1. Turmeric: It helps by filling your body with enzymes that stop you from storing fat. It prevents muscle loss when you diet and also fights cancer. You can add it with cheesy cauliflower bake as turmeric bolsters the cancer preventing potency of cauliflower/
2. Himalayan Rock Salt: Stay healthy by switching to Himalayan rock salt. This salt is mined from earth and is rich in minerals that help boost your immune system. Sprinkle a little of it into your water bottle before sports. It will help you retain water so you don't flush as much out and become dehydrated.
3. Nasturtimus: These are powerful enough to boost immune system. they are effective in treating sinusitis, bronchitis, and urinary tract infections.
4. Oregano: I just cant resist them in pizza's. If you've slogged your way through a leg workout that's left you with squat-ravaged legs, then this is the spice to reach for. That is one healthy chicken spice you can add in liberal. I prefer getting from Horton Spice Mills
5. Mustard:An enzyme contained in mustard improve's you food's cancer-fighting abilities and helps you absorb more of the nutrients.
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Dry spices coming from china are loaded with contamination and they are irradiated , anything foodwise from china is . Garlic from china is full of heavy metals. The soil over there is polluted along with the air.
Try (I say try cause its hard and expensive) to buy locally grown, fresh foods that are organic. And like you said , use fresh spices .
im currently working up an article on spices that can safely be used in a diet and their benefits