No libido for the past year. Have bloodworks here need help and advice :( please


New member
Ill try keep this as brief as I can

Over the past few years I've done 4 courses in total,all with a good post cycle therapy (pct) and long break afterwards but in the past year my libido has completely disappeared.

I went to my local needle exchange about 6 months ago where they do bloods ect specifically for steriod users, they told me the bloods were fine. after getting told that I then paid for hypnotherapy thinking it was in my head. With no success

I got more bloods done a fortnight ago from my own doc cos I just know it's something to do with my steriod use, doc says all my things were within normal range and that was that, but I had to see for myself so I went back a few days ago and got a copy of my results......

My estrogen is sitting at 180 with a range of <200. Yeah it is within range but seems way to high. Also I have all the symptoms of high estrogen, no libido, no erections, gaining fat in certain areas. Has this been my problem all along????? :( I've read online it should be below 50

My question is what do I do now??

Do I take a small dose of arimedex, or even aromasin?

Also been told to take nolva but I know that doesn't reduce estro just stops it binding. Also I don't want a rebound after I stop taking something.

Also I am off cycle and will be remaining off cycle so I don't know if the method for reducing estro changes.

This is taking over my life, so frustrating having no libido and feeling like crap :( :(

Really need some advice :( and if anyone would like more specific info then please just ask
I can't help you much but I do know a lot of people have problems with Adrenals, Thyroid, Testosterone. First thing to do is to go to a web site called stop the thyroid madness and read about adrenal fatigue. With low cortisol your thyroid will be low somehow. I see a lot of people fixing their erectyle dysfunction, libido, orgams by taking Hydrocortisone. When you fix your adrenals your thyroid will be better and some people will see even all hormones optimization. But you need to study it a lot you need to have a lot of information. Cortisol Salivary TEst 4 times a day
I can't help you much but I do know a lot of people have problems with Adrenals, Thyroid, Testosterone. First thing to do is to go to a web site called stop the thyroid madness and read about adrenal fatigue. With low cortisol your thyroid will be low somehow. I see a lot of people fixing their erectyle dysfunction, libido, orgams by taking Hydrocortisone. When you fix your adrenals your thyroid will be better and some people will see even all hormones optimization. But you need to study it a lot you need to have a lot of information. Cortisol Salivary TEst 4 times a day

My doc said my thyriod was ok tho

Does this estrogen reading seem high to you mate?
Doctors will always say you're ok. Post all of your results here and read all the testimonials I've found about be fine again

There are many others but I think it will be enough. Don't get too worried about T, E2 yet. Many people even with low test get fine when they do what I told you

However, once I got recovered from the flu, I started to feel great. Amazingly great. My libido came back, I felt happy and energetic...and this awesomeness lasted for 3 full weeks, until a business trip stressed me out and I wound up back at square one. I'm pretty sure the Cortef was responsible for the jump in energy, zest, etc. So I don't understand how it is said that HC only lasts a few hours in the body...mine lasted weeks. I have not had libido in 4 years and suddenly it comes back? I am sure it was the Cortef.

Prednisone took care of my ED and morning wood completely, E2 never really made a difference.....I had low cortisol

For SIX YEARS the only response from doctors that I got was that I have mental problems causing my symptoms, like loss of libido,
ED, tiredness, lack of motivation to do things. It was not just one or
two doctors, but SEVERAL. So yeah, I'm not at all surprised. It seems
most doctors are either imcompenent or just don't care. Luckily, my
problem was not something that would kill me because of late diagnosis,
like cancer. I turned out to be hypothyroid and have adrenal fatigue, and respond
excellently to thyroxine and hydrocortisone. Thanks to internet and
messageboards like this, I solved this puzzle.

after only a few days on adrenal extract I have noticed a huge
improvment on my sex drive too, which was an unexpected but welcome
surprise! :D

i had ED with high-normal IGF-1 and Testosterone....the cure for my ED was prednisone treatment due to low cortisol...

I can tell you from personal experience that once i started treating my
adrenal fatigue with Cortef my sex drive started to come back, muscle
strength and size and energy levels also much better fat loss without trying.
I have my free T and total T levels before treating adrenals and im
getting them tested now during treatment im sure they will be much

Is it possible to lose libido with low Cortisol? I got a Cortisol Stim
test where they inject you with cortisol and they take a few blood
readings and when they gave me the cort, I had a noticable libido jump a
few minutes later. I thought this was odd.