No more stimulants for me


New member
A couple of weeks ago I was reporting my results from cycling Clenbuterol and ECA. Well, the other day I got a checkup from my doctor and he said I had a slight heart murmur. I have no previous history of a murmur and have always been in excellent condition. I have not been hooked up to an EKG yet but will in a couple of weeks. My blood pressure was also very high for me, 130/90. It is normally 115/65. I have stopped all consumption of caffeine as well as ECA and Clen. I have definitely decided these substances are not worth my health and will never be taking ephedrine or clenbuterol again. I will keep updates on my progress.
Hope everything works out for you.
I have heard of other people having the same effects as your having by taking the same stuff. Everyone's body is unique to itself.
Some people can take that in large amounts and have no effect and other can't.
Wish you the best!
Yes, I can understand that. It is interesting because even at 120mcg of Clen a day I did not get the shakes. I'm hoping that my murmur may disappear due to my layoff. I'm not really sure and will be talking to the doctor more.