Nolva and upset stomachs?


New member
I just started taking Nolvadex a few days ago (I had already been taking Clomid but wanted to supplement it, especially since I'm almost out of the clo). I've also had an upset stomach the past few days. I'm wondering if the Nolvadex is the culprit... has anyone experienced upset stomachs while on Nolva?

Not much has changed in my diet, but who knows, maybe the quality of the food I think I'm eating isn't what it should be. Or maybe I just have some sort of bug. But the only definite change has been the addition of Nolva.
YES!! I have been feeling this and wondering if other people felt the same. I've tried taking it with large meals, as well as splitting up the dosage and still get that annoying stomach ache.
I've noticed headaches from Armidex EOD @ 0.25 mg...
when off it no headaches. Can't remember if Nolva had any effect on me. Been years since I used Nolva.
Well taking any oral substance can possibly give an upset stomache. There is probably just a specific chemical in nolva that causes it for you. But if that's the only side effect I wouldn't worry to much unless its unbearable, just try eating a little more before taking it see if it helps.